You And I?

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Chapter 2

After class Michelle packed up her things slowly as the students stormed out of the room. She packed the last book and slipped her bag on her shoulder. Feeling someone next to her she saw the girl Abbey walking next to her. "Hi. I'm Abbey. But I'm sure you figured that out already."

Michelle just looked at the girl wondering why she was talking to her. She could feel something nudge the back of her mind but as soon as she felt it, it was gone. They walked to their next class, with Abbey talking the entire time.


"Freak." She heard whispered. Ignoring it Michelle went back to taking notes. "Psss, freak." The same voice. She knew it was Adam. Still ignoring him, Michelle continued to write down the notes. Just then a ball of paper landed on her desk.

Opening it up, she read.

Better watch your back. After school your ass is getting beat.

She looked up at Adam and saw him and Amber sitting in their desks smirking. She rolled her eyes and balled the paper up and got up and threw it away. Same old, same old. She hated those threats. What they didn't know was even though she was tiny, she had a mean right hook.

Michelle sat back down in her desk and glanced over at Abbey. The girl was furiously taking notes. Michelle sighed. She hated this school already. The bell rung for lunch and she packed up her things and headed out.


In the cafeteria, Michelle grabbed a tray and set a sandwich, chips, and a can of coke on the tray and went to pay. Handing the girl a 5 she got her change back and as soon as she slipped the money in her pocket, Amber ran into her knocking her over. "Oops, sorry." She said sarcasm dripping from her mouth. Michelle stood up and glared at the girl. "Watch it." She told her.

Amber didn't like that. She got in Michelle's face and asked, "What did you say?" Michelle narrowed her eyes. "I said, watch it bitch." Amber narrowed her eyes and brought her fist up but was stopped by a hand. Looking up They saw Mr Hale holding Ambers arm. "Amber detention." He told her narrowing his eyes. Amber nodded and glared at Michelle then walked off.

"Are you ok?" He asked. "Yes. Thank you." Michelle said. He walked her over to a table and all eyes were on them. Michelle had a huge blush on her face from all the attention plus from this sexy man.

Derek Hale couldn't help but stare at this blond Angel. When he watched Amber knock her over it took everything for his wolf not to come out and rip the girl to shreds. He walked over and grabbed her arm. "Amber detention." He noticed Amber glared at Michelle now last time Then walked off. "Are you ok?" He asked her. "Yes, Thank you." She told him as thy walked to a table. His wolf was still near the surface ready to pounce. But his eyes were on his mate.

He gently touched her arm and sparks flew like the 4th of July fireworks. Michelle's blush deepened and his smile got bigger. "Are you enjoying it here?" He asked her. "Yes very much." She said popping her soda open. They sat and talked for a bit then the ball rang ending lunch. "See you later." He winked at her. Michelle blushed again and slightly waved.

Her eyes flashed a quick red then back to blue. She turned and headed to her next class with a giant mile on her face.

A/n: Sorry for an mistakes. Doing this off my phone. Hope you enjoy.

So My Teacher Is My Mate? Oh what's a mate?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя