Chapter 37 - Late night talks

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I stood in place, shocked at what I just heard. This isn't like misha at all. He seemed so genuine, so caring when shit hit the fan. Now he's saying he'll leave me?

"W-what...?" I could barely manage the word. It was like swords were being forced down my throat.

"The last time we broke up, I took you back because I knew we would be able to fix things and make things work. Now I'm not sure. You hurt me so many times Y/N but you don't even remember. You were so drunk I didn't even know who you were. I don't even think you knew who you were! So, if you don't go to this facility in the morning and get better, we're through ya hear me? Done for." His face was flat and serious. His tone as harsh and crisp. If eyes could change colour, I'm sure his would be red with fury. I could tell how angry he was at me. Who could blame him? I am too.

"I understand." Was all I could say. His angered expression soon turned to shock.

" 'I understand'? That's all you can say?! 'I understand!?' " Misha raised his voice a small bit which caused me to flinch slightly. I gulped and blinked a few times to try and relax my body.

"Y-yea...I...I understand where you're coming from. I would dump me too if I was in your shoes." I kept my voice calm the best I could. I couldn't help how shaky it sounded though. I didn't want to scream, I didn't want to fight. I've done enough of that in the past week. I'm done.

"This is all you can say? After what you've put me through? You know how close I was to just ending it?! I was this close Y/N. This close!" He almost had his thumb and pointer finger touching as he spoke. I flinched again and shook my head.

"Im not going to argue with you. I'm tired, thirsty and just came for a drink." I took a swig from the bottle of liquor, not even caring to pour it into the glass. Misha was fuming, I could tell.

"So you claim to say you see where I'm coming from, yet here you are drinking away right infront of me. Do you even love me anymore? Right now it seems like you don't." I looked at him in shock.

"Is that even a question?! Of curse I love you! I've loved you ever since our first date! If I didn't I would of left a long time ago."

"I dont know if I belive you or not. You drinking yourself to death hurts me in more ways then one. I've already explained everything I can and you're not listening. You just care about yourself." I opened my mouth to yell but shut it again.

'Don't scream, don't yell. Control the anger sister. You can do this.' I thought to myself as I took a deep breath.

"Misha, I know it may have come across that I'm just thinking about myself, but that isn't the case. When you become addicted to something you fall into a pattern. A routine. Like how in the mornings before work you get up, have a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast etc. For me it's wake up, get drunk, maybe eat and do nothing all day. I didn't intend for any of this to happen!"

"But you let it."

"Because I was hurting. That was the second child I've lost. You know how many times I've had to try for a baby? Both with you and when I was with my ex? A whole heck of a lot. I was in a dark place. A funk. I couldn't help it. I want to stop, believe me, but it's hard Meesh! It's so, so hard!" I faught back the tears that threatened to spill. There was no way I was going to cry right now. No way in hell.

"You say all this with a drink in your hand. Just perfect! You threw your life away, you know that? You scared everyone that ever loved you, especially the kids. Now you're not gonna see them for god knows how long because of the rehab." I looked down at the near empty bottle with a sigh.

"I know I runied my life. It wasnt the first time and it definitely won't be the last I bet. I didn't mean to scare everyone, especially the kids. The last thing I wanted to do was make them scared of me." I sniffled and frowned. I heard a sigh escape Mishas lips.

"That's why tomorrow, before you leave, the four of us are spending one last day as a big happy family. I'm going to pick up the kids at the airport in the morning, by myself, and bring them here. We're going to put everything aside and be together until I have to drop you off. Then you're going to stay at the rehab facility for as long as they see fit. You're going to get better, we're going to put the past behind us and start over. We're going to stay in this house, get married, have our own child no matter what it takes and we're gonna live happily ever after because dammit Y/N, I'm not gonna loose the love of my life. I'm not gonna let her die on me and leave me here to deal with this world alone. I'm going to make sure she stays by my side until we're old like dirt." I let out a sad chuckle and nodded.

"I can try to do that." Misha walked over to me and shook his head, cupping my face in his hands. He kept his voice a whisper as tears rolled down his face.

"You're gonna promise me you will. You're not gonna try, you're gonna do it no matter what. I may not be by your side every step of the way, but God only knows how many letters I'm gonna send, how many phone calls I'm gonna make and how many times I'll try and visit you. I will keep you updated on everything! The good and the bad. You can count on it." I couldn't help but let a huge smile take over my face as my own tears started to fall.

"I love you so, so much misha. Thank you for putting up with me."

"I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. You're my life Y/N. I'll do anything for you. Now let's head back to bed. Our new beginning starts bright and early tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm getting my baby girl back for good."

Sorry for the late update! I had to re-write the chapter a few times. It still might suck I don't know. Also, i started watching How I Met Your Mother and i love it so much! Im only on season 2 or 3, cant remember, so no spoilers! I honestly love barney so much! Neil Patrick Harris was such a good fit for the role. If any of you guys watch it, how did you enjoy it? I love it so far! But like i said, no spoilers!! I'm so glad you guys like the story! Over the past few weeks I keep getting notifications about people adding it to their reading lists so I want to give those people a huge thank you! You all know who you are. It's the silly small things you guys do that make my day. All the votes given, comments written, adding my story to your lists. It warms my heart knowing that this story is worth all that. So thank you guys, from the bottom of my heart. I couldn't ask for anything better <3

I love you guys so much. Stay strong and have an amazing week! Don't let anyone drag you down!!

Jensen's Sister (A Misha xReader Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن