2• Jack x Reader

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This was requested by @ggschnapp011 enjoy!

(Y/n)s PoV
"Oh come on (y/n)! Just send the message!" (Y/f/n) said. Lets recap, (Y/f/n) is trying to make me text my crush Jack and Im freaking out! "No!! What if he thinks Im weird? Or Im stupid? Maybe he thinks Im ugly. He probably thinks Im ugly!!" I said back. I could tell (Y/f/n) was getting annoyed. "Fine. Since you wont do it..." (y/f/n) then snatched my phone out of my hand, "Ill do it myself!" She finished by pressing the send button, "(Y/f/n) No!!!"

(Y/n): Hey Jack, wanna go to the park? I need to tell you something important.

Jack: Sure! Im on my way.

"Oh my. (Y/n)! He's on his way! You need to get going!" (Y/f/n) said while pushing me out the door, "Have a fun time! Oh heres your phone back!" Great.. now I have to tell Jack how I feel.. "Im going to regret this.." then I started walking

Jacks PoV
(Y/n): Hey Jack, wanna go to the park? I need to tell you something important.

"Holy crap... Finn!" I practically yelled, "(Y/n) wants to tell me something important at the park! Should I tell them how I feel?" Im gonna be honest. I have a huge crush on (Y/n) but they probably dont feel the same. "Yea go get em' tiger!" Finn said, pushing me out the door. I quickly texted (Y/n) back

Jack: Sure! Im on my way.

Jack: I have to tell you something too. (Messaged failed)

As soon as I texted them back, I dashed all the way to the park.

No ones PoV
Once (Y/n) finally arrived at the park, they looked around and saw Jack waiting for them. For a moment, (Y/n) was stunned by how adorable Jack looked but shook the thought put of their head. "Jack!" (Y/n) yelled as Jack turned around and engulfed them into a hug, "Hey! What did you need to tell me?" Jack asked curiously. (Y/n) broke out of Jacks grasp and looked to the ground. Jack could tell they were nervous since (Y/n) was fidgeting with their hands, "Well um... ireallylikeyoubutimscaredyoudontlikemebackitstotallyokayifyoudontijustloveyou!" (Y/n) said very quickly, hoping Jack didn't understand but alas, he did, "Wait.. you love me?" Jack asked, hoping he heard the right words, "Um.. yes.. I know you dont like me... sorry, ill go now.." (Y/n) said l while starting to turn around. Jack quickly turned them around and kissed them out of quick thinking. They parted and (Y/n) was as red as a tomato, "I love you too (Y/n). Would you um.. be mine?" Jack said feeling the heat rise to his cheeks, "Id love to!" (Y/n) responded and took Jacks hand. "How bout we go get ice cream?" Jack asked like a little kid. (Y/n) giggled and started running to the ice cream shop.

Oh gosh I hope this was okay. I love Jack so much and he shall be protected forever.
If you want to request, just either pm me or comment on the latest update. Thanks!

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