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Dear little
angel eyed
child of mine

When we're far
from each others'
tight embrace
say a little prayer
let it heal you
for all that you
need to face

.. and yes,
if someday
you find
all rooms
empty & proper
don't cry yourself
through the day
beating every door
one after the other
get around
to someone
who'll feed
you some
hot supper

I will be back soon
keep up that hope
don't lose out your courage
tell that beating heart of yours
that nothing shall keep
you from me
any longer

I wish
through this
you never fail
to remember
that no matter
how cold is the
I want you to
keep yourself
away from harm's way

I will be back soon
so stay
loved, homed, &
warmed up in
life's grace
for me

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