Chapter 5 -getting sick

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--Y/n's pov--
I woke up to a terrible headache and I felt really hot I took off my jacket and changed into some short shorts. Now I was in a tank top and short shorts, but I was still really hot. *groan* owww my head, I feel bad for google he's gonna think this was his fault. *Cough COUGH*

--Google's pov--
  I woke up seeing I was in y/n's room and I remembered I was I'll yesrerday. I walk out of the room and hear some coughing coming from mine and Bing's room. Oh no Bing's not sick now is he? I open the door to see y/n she doesn't look good.
Google: "Y/N! ARE YOU OK?!"
  y/n: "NHG! N-not so loud!....p-please"
Google: "Ah...sorry!"
  Y/n: "Give Ngh Bing some cookies and tel him to stay in the b-basement, g-g-give him a lot of cookies and popcorn, and a b-brush and toothpaste."
  Google: "We have a basement?"
Y/h: *Cough* "y-yeah behind the stairs..."
  Then I left the room and headed for the kitchen got a lot of cookies, and 2 bags of popcorn, popped them, then headed to the basement. I went down there and saw bing.
  Google: "Bing stay in the basement."
Bing: "WHAT WHY?!"
I showed him the cookies and popcorn.
Google: "Because y/n said to."
  Bing: "...mmm...FINE!" He snatched the food away from me. Then I tossed him the toothpaste and toothbrush.
Google: "Don't forget to brush."
  Bing: "FIIIIIIINE!" *groan*
Then I turned to head upstairs, then upstairs agein, then into my room where y/n was.
  Google: "Need anything else?"
Y/n: "*Cough* y-yeah on the kitchen counter go bring all the medicine and stuff I piled there."
  Google: "Ok"
And I turned around and headed down the stairs...again... After reaching the bottom I headed for the kitchen and what do you know? There was a pile of medicinal items all in and big pile in the corner on the counter.

___oh god I have very bad writers block and I'm trying to continue so it may not make sense down below worry...SEE WHATS DOWN BELOW THAT DOESNT MAKE ANY SENCE IDK WHAT IM EVEN SAYING!___

  I stuffed all the medical supplies I could fit in my arms before turning around and heading up stairs. I reached the room and carefully placed the medicine on the bedrooms dresser.
  Google: "So what do you need out of this stuff?"
  Y/n: "Bring the big vitamin container, and the small blue container with the chest vaporub."
  I grabbed the items and placed them in front of her. She struggled opening the vitamin's lid but after a moment a quite pop was heard and the container was open. She placed 2 in her hand and put them in her mouth, then quickly closed the vitamins and handed them to me. I stood up to put them on the dresser then returned to my seat on the bed. She reached for the vaporub but I quickly took it from her.
  Y/n: "Hey! *cough*"
  Google: "It's faster when I do it." Then I quickly opened the jar and handed it to her.
  Y/n:".....thanks, could you make me some soup?
  Google: "Okay."
  She started to apply the cream to her chest, and I stood up leaving the room to head downstairs.
  I reached the kitchen. I opened the cabnet and pulls out a can of chicken noodle soup, then placed it on the counter and opened the drawer below to get the can opener. After turning the dumb handle thing for a while with a loud pop the can opened and I took the metal disk out of the can, careful not to cut my fingers. Then dumped the soup into a rather large bowl. I placed it into the microwave for a minute before taking it out, stirring, and putting it in for a minute again.
   I took it out again and quickly placed it on the counter as fast as I could because of how hot it was. I grabbed a pair of oven mits, a plate, and a spoon.
  "Oh well, it will cool down by the time I give it to her. I hope."
  And with that I slowly started to head back up to y/n's room. Man this is a lot of work.
    I opened the door to see Y/n sleeping so I walked over to the dresser and placed the bowl on top.
Ew, it will get stuff in it if I leave it here... WAIT JUST A MINUTE! I can put the plate over the top of the bowl to keep the dust out. I'm a smart person.
    After leaving a note of what's in the bowl I went downstairs. I think I'm forgetting something.
   I quickly ran down tow the basement and saw bing watching some action movies. With trash over filling the trash can. At least he cleans up after himself.
.... Google: "Did you brush your teeth yet?"
   Bing: "UGH, DO I HAVE TO?! IT'S SO FAR."
  Google: "Yes now get up and clean your teeth."
  Bing: "FINE."
*He rolls of the couch and with a soft thump hits the floor and literally rolls to the bathroom.*
  Why is he like this. Who programed him like this?!
   After Bing brushed his teeth we both watched hero movies for about an hour. Then my stomach made a growling noise to signal that I was hungry. Soon after mine did Bing's stomach followed.
Bing: "rock paper sissors for it?"
    Google: "What?"
  Bing: "You know, Rock Paper Sissors? *does a hand motion for each of the words* ((explaining how the game works)) And then whoever loses will have to go upstairs and get food"
  Google: "Uh sure?"
*game play* <Quality reading here folks your welcome>
*I give him a questionable look*
Bing: "Uh...Please?"
  Google: "Okay. *bows* Your Highness."

I head up the stairs then remembered about y.n.
<from now on its y.n because the / means pressing more buttons. I'm laxy>
   I quickly head up the stairs and saw y.n was still asleep but all the soup was gone. I grabbed the plate and went downstairs to wash it. Then grabbed two cookies some more food and headed back down to Bing.
   Google: "Okay Bing. You want these cookies?!"
Bing: "No duh sherlock."
    Google: "I have no idea who that is...BUT FIVE JUMPING JACK'S!" .... pause ..... *he gave me a are you serious look* "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR SOLDIER GO GO GO!"
   Bing: "FIIIIIIINE!"
*bing slowly gets up then lazily does five jumping Jack's and google awards him.*
  I'm not saying this out loud.... 'BING'S SUCH A GOOD BOY, YES HE IS' *and few giggles escape and Bing looks and google weirdly*
<ugh words>

No pov----
   Both Google and Bing Stayed up till 10:30 pm watching hero movies and action and mystery shows. Before passing out on the couch together.
MY god that took to long. I may come back in the who knows when to edit this BUT I am way too lazy now. I'm probably never going to fix the writing but I may fix spelling.
School has been taking up way too much of my time with homework and thanksgiving break has allowed me to watch some youtube videos and relax.

So hope you guys liked it and I will try to add more silly random probably don't make sence things into the story! :3

RW out bye!
Vote if you liked it... no idea what voting does AND COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK! What are some scence you'd like to see?
I'm only writing fluff(cute scenes), no smut or lemon. NO.

Googiplier, Bingsepticeye, ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ