"Harry?" Niall questioned. I looked at him and felt weak.

"Sorry," I whispered and raced off stage, dropping the microphone causing a loud ring. The audience gasped. Liam was the one that followed after me. Obviously the others had to stall the crowd.

"Harry are you okay?" he said patting my back. I was sitting on a couch so he came around the side to talk to me. I nodded though I had my face in my hands. I felt a strange sort of sick mixed with a horrible sensation. Like that if I hadn't forgotten the lyrics and had sung the words, I would have baffed on all the people in the front row. I'm sure many of those people wouldn't want that to happen.

"Ever since the thing with your brothers you've been acting weird. And suddenly you forgot your lines. Something's up and everyone has sensed it, please tell me. You wouldn't have forgotten the lines to your favourite song from our first album otherwise," he said as I turned to look at him.

"I'm sorry Liam," I tried to say through my sobs and tears that were now starting to form. "I'm sorry, that happened a few days ago and I'll be over it by tomorrow," I lied to him and he didn't buy it.

"I'll tell Paul and the boys you can't do it tonight. I'll sing your lines and it'll all be good," he said and walked over to Paul. Liam has always been good with compromise but I'd hate to see the faces of the girls that favorited me when they find out that I'm no longer preforming tonight. But I knew that the girls who favorited Liam wouldn't mind him singing a few extra lines.

After about ten minutes the boys were singing again and everything was almost running smoothly. Paul told me that I had to get some rest so he secretly took me to the bus out the back, avoiding the girls at the front.

*flashback over*

Since the day Marcel and Edward slipped through our fingers I haven't been happy once, I haven't genuinely smiled and if I dare say so, I haven't eaten much either. Today I sat on the black chair again for hours not doing anything. I didn't use my phone, I didn't talk to anyone, I didn't eat and I didn't even think. My mind was blank. There were even sometimes I would snap out of my trance and not remember the last time I blinked.

"Harry!" Zayn called from the kitchen area.

"Harry come here!" Louis bellowed. I hesitated but slowly walked over cuddling my pillow which I had done for the last couple hours. I pulled the curtain back slowly and saw Niall smile.

"Nice to see you actually came," he joked as I stood there in my black bathrobe and boxers.

"Harry we need to talk. Can you sit down please?" Liam said as he patted the chair next to him (he was sitting on the chair next to the dinner table, Zayn on his other side). I slowly sat down as the boys all looked at me.

"Harry," Liam started, placing his hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. "We've noticed that in the past few days you haven't acted like yourself. You're always sad, never leave your chair if you can help it and I don't even remember the last time you had a proper meal. We've been doing some research and we think your suffering from," he took a deep breath in, "depression," he finished.

Harry, Edward and MarcelWhere stories live. Discover now