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2 years ago today, I fell in love with you, sister. There's no gift I can give you that'd thank you enough for sticking around for me and always being there, every second of these two years. They've been the happiest of my life. The happiest I've been in a long time. Thank you for being you, Farwa. Thank you for everything.

I figured I can't give you a nice gift physically, and this is all I could muster from over a hundred miles away. I'm sorry for this boo. You deserve much more. I can't write or draw or paint for you and watch your face shine like the moon when you lay your eyes upon it- even if it's stinkier than garbage. I wish I could. Remember those open when letters I gave you? Here's another batch of 'em. I love you.

Happy Anniversary FaFa Where stories live. Discover now