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Dee pov

So I sit down at my desk and I noticed that the boy next to me was staring at me for some reason. So i put my black hoody on my head and put my head down on the desk.

The bell rang and I walked straight out class with my things. I went to my locker and put my things in there. So then I walked to my next class and then suddenly I bumped into the boy with the blonde hair tips and I fell on the ground.

Nova pov
I felt someone bump into me and they fell on the floor. I bent down and helped her up then I noticed it's the girl that's in all my class
Nova : are u okay
Dee: yea I'm fine, srry I bumped into you.
Nova: it's ok uhhh .... wats ur name?
Dee : diamond but u can call me dee .
Nova :uhh okay dee well see u in class
Dee: WAIT uh what's your name
Nova:I'm nova.
Dee:well alright nova see u in class
Nova: alright bye * walks down the hall*

Dee pov

Idk what just happened but I feel a Little happy inside. I went to my next class and i went to sit down at my desk. Then all of a sudden I hear the kids talking about me again, all of the voice in my head came back. I tried to cover my ears but it didn't work , so I ran out the class room and went in the janitors room crying . I was thinking to myself about how no one liked me or loved me or even wanted me on this earth.

Nova pov

While the other kids were laughing I turned around and yelled at them for picking on her, even though I may not know her and she may not know me i wanted to get to know her and to see what's going on in her life. 

So I left class to go search for her. I ran passed the janitors closet but then i heard someone crying so I opened up the door and I seen that it's was dee. She was looking all scared and red in the face. So I sat down with her and asked what was wrong with her.

Nova: Dee are u okay
Dee: yea I'm fine
Nova : Dee no your not because your still crying.
Dee: * crys even louder*
Nova: Dee can u please tell me so I can help you.
Dee: no one can help me cuz nobody likes me or wants to be near me.
Nova: Dee that's not true.
Dee: yes it is, they all say it to me.  They call me a dyke, they make fun of me because I have big lips and Chinese eyes.
Nova: you shouldn't listen to them ... there nobody's.
Dee: yea just like me ... I'm a nobody
Nova: no ur not dee.. you are a beautiful girl who cares what people think. Ur a strong woman all u gotta do is just ignore them.
Dee: I can't ignore them.. no one knows what it feels like
Nova :I know what it feels like
Dee: you do
Nova : yea cuz I used to get bullied because I didn't have good clothes like the rest of the kids or I didn't have any money because my family was poor . The kids kept saying it over and over again and I just sick of it and I ignored it and I proved them wrong.
Dee: wow nova I didn't know that
Nova: well now u know ... all im just saying dee is just to prove them haters wrong and don't believe what they say.
Dee: wow thanks nova
Nova : no problem
*bell rings*
Nova : whelp time to go home catch around dee
Dee: bye nova
*They both get up and went there separate ways.

Dee pov

Ever since nova gave me that advice I started to feel more confident in myself.  Nova was right I shouldn't care about what anyone else thinks .  Imma start to worry about myself.  But I really do like him but idk if he wants to be with me.

Nova pov

I really hope that I helped dee today cuz I don't want anything to happen to her . I really do care about her ... I wish she just knew that ...... to be continued

Will nova tell dee how he feels about her?

Will dee take novas advice and become a confident girl?

Will they both become a thing ?

Until next time ... peace

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