Tagged by @Titania_Erza_Scarlet or Mousie 3 times!!

Start from the beginning

1. Do I like someone: YuP I do!! I like everyone!
2. Do they like me: Yes I think they do!
3. Middle name: Don't have one...
4. Single or taken: Single! Y do ppl ask this......
5. Last person I texted: My mom😊
6. Last song I listened to: All 'bout that bass by Meghan Trainor
7. Battery percentage: 48%
8. Girl BFFs: A lot!
9. Guy BFFs: same answer as the above one 😂
10. Fave OTP: Idk......
11. Why you made ur account: Cuz my bestbff's sister was sending me stories of hers so by that I found abt wattpad!
12. Current lock screen:

 Current lock screen:

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13. Birthday: 8th of February 2004!!
Love this line ......
u know wt whoever read this just do it!!
Or else u die😂😂
Last and the final tag of the chappie!!
*drum rolls*


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1. Any scars: Nope!
2. Self-harmed: Yup I accidentally pushed the knife a bit deep into my palm😜cuz I was cutting sumthin '
3. Crush: Yup I do have!😊
4. Kissed anyone: Yup my mom and dad!
5. Coke or Pepsi: None.....i don't like them .... I like other soft drinks
6. Someone u hate: No one! I luv everyone (as a fwend)!❤️
7. Height: Tall enough for my age!
8. What's ur dream job: Since 5 yrs I wanted to be a doctor !
9. Ever been in love: I'm not sure......
10. Last time u cried: Day before yesterday......
11. Favourite colour: Blue, green and red and pastel colours!
12. Birthday: 8th of February!
13. Eye colour: *looks closely in the mirror * Dark brown!
14. Hair colour: Black 💁🏻
15. What do u love: FOOD &my fwends and family and my watty fwends and my Crush !!
16. Obsession: Wattpad and Mmm Fingers game.
17. Do u love someone: Yup my fwends! And my family!
18. Kiss or hug: A big hug!!
19. Nicknames people call you: Annu, Ananya, Chutki, AT, and wtever u all call me.
20. Favourite song: I love all the songs which I listen to!! Can't choose one!
21. Favourite band: I'm a directioner!! And BTS and Black pink!!
22. Worst thing that ever happened to you: being way tooooo CLUMSY! Seriously I don't live a day without doing something clumsy!
23. Best thing that ever happened to you: Coming to wattpad and having great fwends irl and wattpad!
24. Something you would change about yourself: being stubborn cuz sometimes it hurts people and I don't like hurting them☹️......
25. Have you ever done alcohol or drugs: I swallowed pills 💊💉
26. If you ever had one wish, what would it be: I wud wish for more wishes!!
27. Do u ever wish you cud start over: Never cuz I met many amazing ppl in my these 13 years!
28. Any bad habits: yup
~ I'm sometimes stubborn......
29. Had a near death experience: Yup I did.
30. Someone I can tell anything to: my name!
31. Ever lost a loved one: NoPe!
32. Do u believe in love: Yes I do...
33. Someone u hate or dislike: No one except my enemies in school.
34. Are you okay: Totally fine!! Thanks for your concern!
35. Favourite TV show: Ryt now F.R.I.E.N.D.S and Impractical jokers!
36. Ever had a heartbreak: I think no.....
37. Best day of ur life : When my vacation started!!
38. Worst mistake: Losing my favourite thing.
39. Ever dated someone: No one till now.....
40. Watch the movie or read the book : Watch the movie!
41. Relationship status: Single Mingle! Single Pringle !😂😂
42. Special talents:
- Smart enuf
- Sports
- Clumsiness 😂😂
- art
- studies

Now I shall tag!!

Ok this was the longest tag !!
Enjoy the tags!!
Luv y'all!!💕💕
~ 💕 Annu 💕

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