chapter 8 - 162 Candles

Start from the beginning

Stefan walked around the room, looking around in confusion. "Kaylin? Seriously? Enough of your games."  A blonde, woman vampire rushed toward him, pushing him to the floor, flipping him over onto his back, kneeling over him, looking down on him, transformed, hissing. Stefan looked at her in confusion. "Lexi?" 

Lexi smiled, returning to normal. "Hi." 

"What are you doing here?" Stefan asked.

Lexi rushed to stand up, pulling Stefan up with her. "How could you even ask that?" 

Stefan wrapped his arms around her. "I missed you." 

Kaylin rushed into the room.

Lexi knew she was there, smiling, pulling away from Stefan, turning to her. "Kaylin." 

"Lexi," Kaylin said, drawing the word out, smiling, wrapping her arms around Lexi. She pulled back, nodding to Stefan. "Don't you have something to say to Stefan?" 

Stefan gave Kaylin a look.

Kaylin smiled smugly.

"Oh, right," Lexi told her slyly, smiling, turning to Stefan "Happy Birthday." 

Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) 

Day Two

Morning - Stefan's Room 

(Song:) Happy Birthday - The Birthday Massacre 

Lexi and Kaylin sat on the bed. Stefan sat in a chair, facing them. All of them were clearly having a good time.

Kaylin laughed. 

"I don't know, okay?" Lexi asked. "If some freak shot at me with wooden bullets, I'd bail in under 60. And why is the news reporter hunting vampires?" 

Kaylin shook her head. "No clue."

"We don't know," Stefan agreed. "We don't know who knows about us. You know, that guy did, there could be others. Hey, do us a favor. While you're here, please be careful."

"Ugh!" Lexi complained. "Why stay?" She twirled off the bed. "I'm heading to New York for the weekend. Bon Jovi. In the garden." Kaylin smiled widely, raising her arm in the air. "Wanted, Dead or Alive. It's our theme song. It'll be a blast." 

"Hey, do you think he would actually remember us?" Stefan asked. "That was a pretty crazy weekend." 

Lexi pointed at them. "We can make him remember us. Come on!"

"I'll most definitely, absolutely go with you," Kaylin told her, standing, smiling. "Need a break." 

"Or a break from a break up," Lexi sang.

Kaylin smiled. She looked at Stefan. "Let's go." 

"I mean, what's keeping you here?" Lexi asked.

"I told you, her name is Elena," Stefan told her.

"Well, let's hope she's a better girl than the last one you got all sprung over," Lexi told him, turning to face them, holding Katherine's picture. 

Stefan stood, taking the picture from Lexi. "You didn't even know Katherine." 

"'Cause if she did, she'd kick her ass," Kaylin told him. "And if I was a vampire before she died, I would've. The little bitch." 

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