1- What is Your Zodiac?

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Aries the Ram - March 21. - April 19

Taurus the Bull - April 20. - May 20.

Gemini the Twins - May 21. - June 21

Cancer the Crab - June 22. - July 22. 

Leo the Lion - July 23. - August 22.

Virgo the Virgin༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ August 23. - Sept. 22

Libra the Balance (Welcome fam) - September. 23 - October. 23

Scorpio the Scorpion - October. 24 - November. 21

Sagittarius the Archer - November. 22 - December. 21

Capricorn the Goat - December 22. - January 19.

Aquarius the Water Bearer - January 20. - Febuary 18. 

Pisces the Fishes - February 19. - March 20.

Which Zodiac are you?

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