Chapter one - helping out with On The Buses

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' blip, blip, blip' went the alarm, as I pushed it off the bedside table. Once again it was time of school and the thought of leaning things we've already learnt took over my mind. I was hesitant to either go and get in the shower or go downstairs in my pajamas and dressing gown. Eventually I made a decision and slowly walked downstairs in to the kitchen " morning, darling" dad said, cooking breakfast " morning" I replied sitting at the table " what's the matter, you look sad" jack asked " and why aren't dressed?" He added " well the thing is... I don't want to go to school" I replied " ay, why not?" Stan asked,turning round looking at me with one eye and the other on the eggs " I want to do something interesting and meaningful instead of listening to teachers say things we already know". Stan took the eggs off the cooker and came and sat down, he stared of in to space " dad?" I questioned " yeah, I was just thinking. If you don't want to go to school. Would you be interested in helping out on set?" " oh Stan, off course I would, I love helping with all the costumes, scenery and props" I exclaimed " well then that settles that, go and get dressed and come to work with me and jack". As I got up a walked over to my dad " thank you" I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek " you're very welcome" he replied. Walking out the kitchen I heard jack and Stan talking " she cant do that!" He protested " why not?" " well it's the law for her to go to school" " well, jack, she's my daughter and I'll do anything to keep her happy, besides, I left school at her age and look where I am" Stan protested " you're a successful actor and a damn good piano player" I said poking my hand in the kitchen " go and get in the shower, you" Stan shouted laughing.

Walking in to the studio was and still is amazing, all the props and costumes made me excited and ready to help. Stan and jack took me in to their dressing room where, olive,arther , Doris, Blakey and Ronald, the writer and producer were, " morning Stan" olive said " morning darling, you alright?" He responded, she nodded " hello Katie, what are you doing here?" Arther questioned " you see, I didn't really want to go to school, so dad let me help out on set" " hang on" Ronald demanded, Stan and I looked at each other in anxiousness, " if she's helping me she has to have a busman's jacket, here I'll get her one" he concluded, leaving the room " thank god for that" Stan said with a sigh of relief. Minutes later he returned with the same jacket to my dads and jacks, but instead of a PSV badge it said " Katie Butler, helper and manager" " thank you" I said smiling up at him " come on, you ready for on the buses?", I nodded.

Watching my dad act in front of me was truly amazing, you could tell he'd loved his job and the people around him. It showed his personality a lot in some episodes, as I sat there in my dads chair with the script on my lap, I couldn't help but laugh and smile at these amazing people in front of me. The bell sounded for lunch and in a split second every one rushed of like school kids, just as I was lining up I was approached by jack "Katie, can you give a speech or something" " off course, but why?" I questioned " I think it would be nice, besides it would make your dad happy", I nodded " does anyone else know about this?" I added " you and me" jack replied. Sitting on a big, long table with all the cast and crew with my dad on my left , olive on my right and jack just opposite I felt a kick, looked up and immediately knew it was time of a speech. As I stood up the room fell silent " I'd like to make a speech" I asked looking round, " go for it, Katie dear" Ronald replied, " I've never felt this welcome in my life before. To be in such an amazing project with wonderful people is a gift that I'm very grateful for. Thank you all for making me feel so welcome....." as I looked round, everyone was smiling and when I looked at my dad, his smile was just so big that I couldn't just end my speech there. " I'd also like to bring my dad in to this speech. Without him I wouldn't be here. Seeing him acting in front of me is.... well.... it's magical. You have done so much for me". I felt an arm round my whist, I looked down to find my dad hugging me while trying his tear, his head against my hip. Looking around the table at everyone was smiling, crying. In that moment I felt welcome, appreciated and no longer wanted to shut people out. My life was finally, after 12 years,  worth living.

I fell asleep in the car, only for a brief minute. I wasn't comfy or very warm, I searched in the dark for a blanket or something to put over me, with the occasional street light only lighting prematurely as we sped past. Suddenly the toughness of the fabric of my dads overcoat touched my hand and I pulled it over. It wasn't very soft, but it covered my head to my toes and it smelled like my dad. With that I knew I could get to sleep.

Soft, delicate hands supported my back and another supporting my legs, faint whispers tickled my ears as Stan instructed jack to open doors. Carefully I felt the coldness  of my bed and the softness of my pillow, where my dad has lied me down, he tucked me up. Putting the covers over me and then the heaviness of my dads overcoat making sure that I was warm. His soft lips kissing my shiny forehead and his Essex voice gently saying " goodnight darling".

Child of a bus driver IIWhere stories live. Discover now