Chapter 1

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Secrets P.O.V
Every morning I look into my mirror and think to myself, why am I like this, whose choice was it to have me be like this, would my life be different if I didn't live here? At the moment you are probably wondering who I am and if I have depression or something. My name is Emily Stark, and no I'm not depressed I'm just what you might call different. By that I mean I'm a superhero. I live with my dad, his friends, and his friends families. I'm not the only superhero living there, because they all are superheroes to. I be you are wondering why my nickname is secret. Well it is my superhero name obviously. My superpower is that I'm able to blend in and no one is able to see me. So I am able to find out a lot of secrets. The only bad thing is that I have always felt invisible at school, so being able to literary turn invisible doesn't help that feeling get better. Anyways... let's talk about the people I live with. My aunt Natasha and I get along very well, but I get along even better with her daughter Annie. Annie has always been my best friend and we always do things together. Her superhero name is Raven, and her superpower is that she has birdlike vision when ever she wants and she can also turn into what ever bird she wants. But the sad thing is that she is afraid of birds because when she was little, we went to the park and she got attacked by birds. Besides me and Annie there are 4 other kids that live with us. There names are Lily, Blake,Charlie, and Dean. Lily is my twin sister. We are almost exactly the same the only way you can tell us apart is our eyes. Lily's superhero name is telep, her superpower is that she is able to read minds and she is able to put her thought in someone else's mind. Blake is my boyfriend and we have been dating for 3 years, but have known each other our whole life. Blake's dad is my uncle Bruce/Hulk (he's not my actual uncle, the only person I'm actually related to in the tower is my dad), he is like his dad with his superpower. His superpower is that he is strong, and his superhero name is Strength. Charlie's a lot like his dad Clint, his superhero name is bullseye, because he is an amazing shot like his dad. His superpower is that he can run extremely fast. Last but not least Dean. Dean is more like his uncle Loki than his dad Thor power wise. Deans power is that he can make people see what ever he wants them to, and he can make people turn against each other. He also likes to tell people that his superpower is that he does the best pranks, but we all know that's a lie. His superhero name is tricky.

I own nothing except the plot line and the characters I make up the rest belongs to marvel/D.C..
I hope you guys like the story so far. Tell me what you think so far and what I should have then do

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2017 ⏰

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