Chapter 16: I Love You Too

Start from the beginning

My new dress fit me perfectly. Shawn whistled when he saw me, and I swatted his arm, blushing. I felt so much better in the flats as well. No more tripping for me.

"I'm just saying, you would have looked even hotter in my idea," Shawn told me.

Thankfully Paul slapped him on the back of the head for me.

"Ow! I didn't say you looked bad!"

"Whatever you say, Shawn..." I gave him a mischievous little smirk and looked at Paul again. He nodded and got ready to smack him another time.

Shawn saw what we were doing and ducked out of the way real quick, running over to hide behind me. "Fine, fine!" He sighed. "Paul's idea is better," he reluctantly admitted. "You look beautiful, Kat."

"Thank you. I do try," I teased.

SummerSlam was a pretty good show. It probably wouldn't get as many buys as Dad thought it would, but then again, when did they ever? Especially recently. Buys weren't great, and Dad always set high expectations. But everyone at least seemed to be having fun. We watched most of the show from the back, upon my request.

Sunny eyed me when she came back through the curtain, but I ignored her stare and flashed a polite smile at her. She didn't return it. Shawn tightened his grip around my waist, which I know she saw, but I didn't spend time dwelling on it.

I wanted to talk to Mark about how well his match with Mick went, but it was already time for Shawn and I to get ready for our cue. I managed to tell him "good job" as he passed, and he responded with a nod and a "good luck".

Finally it was time for our match to start. I walked out with Shawn to a lot of fanfare. The crowd popped for us as they always did. Shawn wore his championship around his waist, held my hand in one hand and with the other gestured and interacted with the fans. I couldn't stop grinning. Dad was on commentary, and he gave me a smile and a thumbs up before going back to work. It meant a lot to me to see Dad out there supporting me.

I was wary of Jim Cornette, Vader's manager, on the other side of the ring. He had a tennis racket in hand and was always shouting. Of course, my fear was all for the cameras. Jim had always been very polite to me and my family. Okay, maybe he scared me a tiny bit. He was so loud!

The match started off without a hitch. Shawn and Leon went through everything just like they'd talked about only hours before. Jim was doing his cheering/shouting routine, and I tried my best to rival him. The match was amazing, full of drama that kept the fans interested.

Leon missed a spot. Shawn climbed the top rope, and Leon was supposed to roll out of the way and Shawn would land on his feet. Leon didn't move, but Shawn still landed on his feet. It looked bad. Shawn went ballistic, shouting cuss words of all sorts and kicking Leon in the head. He got that look in his eyes that I hated so much. I tried shouting for him and telling him I loved him to calm him down, but he just gave me a look and continued the match.

The match proceeded quickly, luckily with no more mistakes. Eventually both competitors tumbled out of the ring together. Shawn was left on the outside, as planned, until he was counted out. I was by his side immediately, as the announcer declared Vader the winner. I was trying to console him as he kept pushing everyone away.

"Did you see what the motherfucker--"

"Shawn it's okay. It's okay." He and the referees surrounding us were the only ones within earshot. Jim was doing his promo in the ring about restarting the match. To the fans, it looked like I was persuading Shawn not to get back in there.

Jim was saying how he and Vader came to win the championship. The championship could not be won via countout. Shawn of course did not listen to me and accepted the challenge. They rang the bell and the match was officially back on.

Shawn shoved me out of the way as Leon came rolling through to attack him. I scrambled to get away from the action. I did my part of trying to convince the ref that the attack was a bad call, and while I was distracting him, Jim hit Shawn with his tennis racket. Since the ref did not see it, the match kept going.

Leon dragged Shawn back in the ring. Leon went for a power bomb, his signature move, but Shawn reversed it. He went for his own finishing move, when Jim jumped up on the apron to distract him. Shawn knocked him off the apron but ending up with his tennis racket. Fed up, he started swatting at Leon with it, then Jim when he tried to interfere again. This made him disqualified, allowing Vader to win the match yet again but still not the title.

Jim started another rant about how Shawn was a coward and the match needed restarted again. Gorilla Monsoon approved the restart.

This time, Shawn hit both the elbow drop and the Sweet Chin Music, going for the pin. But to no avail; Leon kicked out.

The guys did a move that caused the ref, Earl Hebner, to be knocked to the outside.

Leon went for the power bomb yet again, and this time it connected. But there was no one to count the pin. Another ref slid into the ring, but Shawn kicked out by that time. I was shouting for Shawn as loud as my voice could go, but Jim was still putting me to shame.

They set up the final spots. Leon landed a moonsault, but no one was home. Feeling the irony, Shawn climbed the turnbuckles and landed his own moonsault to finally win the match clean.

I hurried into the ring to celebrate with him. His music hit, but I could barely hear it through the jumbled mix of noise. Earl kept trying to hand him the title, but Shawn was exhaustedly still lying on his side on the mat. I took the belt and held it for him as he tried to stand. He leaned against me as he did so, and simply whispered in my ear, "Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too." I practically had to shout for my entirely worn out boyfriend to hear me.

But a kiss didn't have to be heard. SummerSlam's broadcast ended on the two of us, our lips colliding, in the middle of the ring.


I was still giddy as we walked back to the hotel room. Shawn kept whispering jokes to me as we walked, and I could not stop giggling.

"You know what? Um, I think I'm going to get my own room tonight," Paul told us. "Give you two lovebirds some space." He gave Shawn a look that I couldn't read. What was that supposed to mean?

Paul turned and walked back to the lobby to get a new room. Shawn and I watched him go for a minute before finally getting to our own room.

"That was definitely weird, right?" I asked as we sat down on the bed.

Shawn nodded. "Definitely." He looked away though, as if he was thinking about something.

"Hey," I chuckled, still high off adrenaline. "Don't strain yourself. I'm sure he's fine."

Shawn turned back to look at me. "I know. I know what he's doing. Leaving us alone..." He let me figure it out myself.

"Oh. Oh." Paul, the little rascal! He was setting us up. He wanted us to have sex!

"I'm not going to go there unless you want to go there." How sweet. How did I manage to get ahold of this man?

I couldn't deny the nervousness I was feeling, especially since the butterflies flying around in my stomach were going nuts. But I also couldn't deny my heart, and I loved Shawn. I wanted him.

"What if... I want to go there?" I bit my lip, not sure how he would react.

His eyes lit up. He pulled me onto his lap. I was straddling him now. "Then I would be thrilled to." He gave me that little smile that I loved so much.

I had no idea what I was getting into, but Shawn knew what he was doing. I trusted him.

Okay, yall know what they're gonna do.😉😉😉 How shook are you? I almost didn't even add the last scene, but I figured... it's time!!!

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