Sound is deadly

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The quietest controlled environment on the planet is the 'Anechoic Chamber.' 

In all air filled labrotories, this chamber absorbs 99% of all the sound in the room, because of its foam walls. 

Scientists and researchers on site claim that just to stay in the room for 45min with no sound, other than the sound of your own heartbeat and the blood flowing through your head is enough to make you hallucinate.

What I'm talking about is that the absence of sound,and light deprivation as well. 

But what it demonstrates is that the senses can cause the body to react. Smells can culture to reg, was discussed or become attracted to someone.

Pokemon has sent children to the hospital before, or through sight, in the episode Porygon Soldier, this episode is different through the different lights flashing at different times, caused hundreds of children to vomit, have headaches, and even go through anipilectic shock.

So what about sound can really influence your actions? 

Find out next time on Disney Channel!

XD not really.

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