After Hermione left, Harry and I laid in bed for a few minutes.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"Eight," Harry replied looking at the watch Mum gave him. "We have an hour till practice."

"Ugh. I want to go to Hogsmeade."

"Ginny, this game is very important. You could play for the Holyhead Harpies!" Harry exclaimed.

"Fine," I said, getting up to change. "You should get ready, too."

"I'm too comfortable."

"Alright then." I started undressing, and I turned around to see Harry covering his eyes. He's such a gentleman.

"Harry, you can look. You're my boyfriend, and it's not like you haven't seen me in knickers and a bra before," I said, thinking back to the day before. He slowly uncovered his eyes and smiled.

"Now that's attractive, love," he joked, and I blushed. I threw my shirt at him.

"Get out," I told him. He chuckled.

"Alright, I'm leaving," he told me, kissing my cheek. "Meet you in the common room, yeah?"


It took me like half an hour to get ready, because I sat on my bed and thought about Harry for twenty minutes. When I finished, Harry was waiting in the common room like he said, but he was talking to Dean.

I thought he hated Dean. Oh well, I guess they're making up.

"Hello Harry, Dean. You guys are talking again?" I asked.

"Well Dean, apologized, and said he wanted to be on the Quidditch team again, so I made him reserve chaser," Harry told me.

"So you don't hate each other anymore?"

"Nope," Dean said.


"Dean, I suggest you go get ready. You're going to need to practice too, just in case," Harry said to Dean. "Ready to go, Love?"

"Yeah, let's go," I said.

We made our way to the Great Hall, where we found Ron, who glared as we entered.

"Bloody hell, that wasn't funny," he said.

"Why are you guys in your Quidditch Robes?" Hermione asked. "Today is the day of the Hogsmeade trip."

"We have Quidditch practice today," I said.

"What?" Ron asked. "Why didn't I know about this?"

"We didn't tell you?" Harry asked, smiling.

"No," Ron said.

"Well we have Quidditch practice in half an hour."

Ron and out of the Hall.

"Well, since I have no one to go to Hogsmeade with," Hermione said. "I'm going to watch practice today."

We were doing good in practice, until, halfway through, Ron kicked the Quaffle, and it went flying, hitting one of the other chasers, Jace Waters, in the face, giving him a bloody nose. So Dean came in.

"So you and Harry are friend again, then?" I asked Dean.

"Yup," he said.

"Good, race you to the Quaffle?"

"It's on Weasley."

After practice, Dean landed beside me and hugged me.

"Good job, Ginny. Harry told me that The Holyhead Harpies are coming to watch you play."

"Yes, they are. I'm nervous though."

"Don't be, you're good," he told me.


"Ginny," Harry called, running up to us. "Meet me in the Room Of Requirements in one hour."


After undressing from my Quidditch robes, I put a dress on made my way to the seventh floor corridor, thinking, I need the place where Harry is.


After practice, I told Ginny to meet me in the Room Of Requirements an hour from then.

I quickly dressed in a tuxedo, and ran to the room. Thinking about a good place for a date, I watched as a door appeared from the wall.

I walked into the room, and summoned a house elf to bring food.

"Harry?" Ginny called. "What's all this?"

"A make up date, since we couldn't go to Hogsmeade," I told her. The house elf appeared, with several elves following, all carrying platters of food.

After we ate, I pulled Ginny to my side.

"You know that you're my everything, right?"

"Harry, I have an infinity ring from you. I think that says it all," she said.

"Good." I glanced at my watch.

"It's ten, we should go back so Ron doesn't get mad," I told her.

"Alright, I love you Harry."

"I love you Ginny."


To be honest, this is the farthest I've ever gone with a story. I've had to delete the other ones, because people from my school found them.

I really like writing this story. It's fun to write moments between Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione.


Thanks for reading and supporting me,


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