“Why haven’t you told me?” She wiped her eyes and then started to make my bed again.

I shrugged, trying to avoid the question. I laced up my converse and grabbed my phone.  I raced past my mom and left.

“Dammit.” I whispered and walked towards Matt’s house. Hopefully his sister or mom is home.

“Oh my gosh!  Melanie!” His sister, Chelsey answered the door and hugged me to death.

“Hey…” I hugged her back and followed her inside.

Their house looked the same, from the last time I saw it. The carpet was still bright and white; the walls were still a cream color. The same ol’ furniture. 

I sat on the couch and got on twitter. “Do you mind if I stay here for a while?”

“No. Of course not. My mom will be so glad that you’re here!” She ran upstairs and I could hear the excitement in her voice as she told her mom.

@TheMatthewEspinosa: Use the hashtag #AskMatt for my next video!

I smiled and began to use the hashtag.

Matthew’s P.O.V

“Cam stop!” I laugh and push him.

“Okay. Okay. Let’s get your video done.” Cam gets up and starts recording.

I smile. “Hey guys! Matt Espinosa and Cameron! Well… you can’t see him because he’s a bum and doesn’t wanna say hi to you guys!”

Cameron laughed and stepped in front of the camera. “Hello Matthew girls!”

“Anyways, today is an Ask Matt. I know, this came out of nowhere, but I’m feeling really good today and I have decided to do this!”

I smile, pull out my phone and began to look through the questions.

“@SunshineParadise asks, Will you follow me?” I nodded. “Sure babe.” I pressed her follow button and scrolled through a bunch of questions.

 “@SilenceIsGold asks, what kind of underwear are you wearing?” I laughed and stood up. “Blue plaid underwear.” I lifted my shirt so they could see.

“@XoxoMel asks, was it easy to forget about me?” My body tensed up. Melanie. I could my heart beat getting faster. “Um... Next question.”

“Dude, you didn’t even answer her.” Cam looked at me.

“@EspinosaPlease asks, are you afraid of dogs?” I sighed. “Only really big dogs. But I enjoy small puppies.”

I smiled. “Well guys that’s it! Hope you have a wonderful day or night or whatever. Bye!”

Cam turned off the camera and began to upload it on YouTube. “Why didn’t you answer XoxoMel?”

“Because Cam. Stop worrying about it.”

“Do you know her or something?”

I sighed. “She was my best friend growing up and then when I joined MAGCON I didn’t talk to her since. So for like 7 months, she’s been on her own. She’s beautiful and perfect. But she’ll never want a guy like me. She can have anyone. I was just a friend to her.”

Cam’s eyes got wide. “You left your best friend!” He threw a pillow at me.

“Basically… That’s what I just said… Wasn’t it?”

Cameron sighed. “Well, your video is uploaded. Tell Twitter.”

I logged onto twitter. “Hey guys!  My video is uploaded. Go check it out!”

More Than Just A Friend // Matt Espinosa **In editing**Where stories live. Discover now