Haku carefully walks down the hallway in dark, soon almost half their, he saw light. Haku walks towards it, and as soon as he enters the room veins grab him from all over, causing him unable to move.

"Life spirit I only want to ask something! It's my friend she's in trouble!" Haku yells as the vines tightened around him.

In the distance was a Venilia.

"What do you want from me?" The Venilia spoke inside Haku's head. The Venilia turns into a girl with bright blue butterflies around her.

"Can you give her the life of a spirit, please?!" Haku asks.

"And will you be truthful about your feelings, if I do so." The Venilia says.

"Yes, I will," Haku promises.

"Then prove it!" The Venilia yells at him, the girl took a step forward.

"I love her! She's my Chihiro, no one can take her away from me!" Haku yells. "I love her..." Haku whispers.

"Well done. Her spirit name is Avonmora, would you like to choose an animal?" The girl others.

"Can she be a dragon please," Haku whispers. The spirit girl animal nods.

"And she'll be a member of the dragon family." The Venilia announces. The vines that were perfecting him to move vanishes.

Haku bows. "Thank you."

"Your love is strong. Thank that, or I wouldn't have made her a spirit." The Venilia says, then vanishes back into the darkness.

Haku nods and heads back down the hallway and up the ladder. When he got up Neo was waiting for him.

"Oh hey Neo. You need something?" Haku asks. Neo kicks Haku causing Haku to grunt in pain.

"That was for hurting Yuki!" Neo yells. "Get out of here!"

"I was going," Haku says

"Then go!" Neo yells.

Haku nods and transforms into his dragon, flying off into the clouds off too Zeniba house.

---Zeniba house---

Haku got to Zenibas house and let himself in.

"Zeniba I'm back!" Haku yells.

Sumi came running downstairs. "Master Haku, come quick," Sumi says.

"Sumi what is it?" Haku says going up too him.

"Come," Sumi said going up to Chihiro room. Where Zeniba was speaking calmly, Sumi opens the door to Chihiro's room. On the bed was no longer Chihiro but a blue dragon.

The dragon was scared and didn't know what was going on. The room was smashed up.

"Chihiro?" Haku whispers. The dragon looks at Haku with wide frightened eyes.

"I've tried everything. Nothing works." Zeniba says.

"Let me try something," Haku announces. "Can you guys step out of the room?" Haku ask

"But Master Haku-" Sumi starts.

"I'll be fine. You guys get out." Haku says. Sumi nods and went out of the room with Zeniba behind him, Zeniba closes the door behind them.

The dragon growls at Haku.

Haku sighs and transforms into his dragon. Chihiro's dragon widens her eyes in realization.

She tries to get up but couldn't. Haku did a dragon grin at her. Haku walks up to Chihiro and puts his forehead against hers., Chihiro did it back. Then a bang sound of a pot smashes, scares Chihiro and then she goes back to the corner shaking.

Spirited Away 2:     Run Away DRAFTМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя