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I got back from my psychologist, my mom has been sending me there since... about forever. She thinks I'm nuts, I swear I'm not!!!!! She doesn't believe me when I say I can hear them. My reaper, she's been.. no. No! It's not she. Just like Miss. K (my psychologist) said. Shes getting.... it's getting into my head. Supposedly I just 'can't handle' accepting I'm gonna die one day and seeing my reaper there reminds me of it so I'm hearing voices. But she doesn't believe me, I really do hear them. They have names. It's name is.... oh screw this. Her name is Kaylee. That's right!! She has a name, eat it Miss. K! Anyway Kaylee talks to me, and so do all the other reapers. I hear them, like little whispers in my head. I try to block them out like Miss. K said. She told me to imagine a door, locking them away. But then they start knocking, banging, and kicking on the door. The pounding in my head gets louder and louder until...
Hi Sarah.
It was Kaylee. The imaginary door fell off its hinges with a loud thud.
I can see you are back from Miss. K and Lilo.
LILO was Miss. K's reaper . She screamed when I told her that, said it was the devils work and all that, blah blah blah. My mom grounded me for a week cause she had to pay double to keep Miss. K. I couldn't talk to them, I don't think they can hear me, but I hear them. They talk to me. I can hear other reapers trying to talk to their human but it never works. They always turn back to me and strike up a one way conversation, evidentially satisfied that I can hear them. I was watching T. V. as moms reaper (May) droned on and on about her flowers, (you see my theory is , is that they live on another universe and that they are here to protect us from something worse than death) when my mom slammed the front door. She stomped up to me blocking the T.V. and ripped the bowl of strawberries I was eating out of my hand.
"You know you could at least pretend to be improving! You know how much these appointments cost each?!" She began ranting. Before I could try to answer she answered herself. "$200!! And have you improved? No, because you keep going on and on about these stupid reapers!! Kaylee!? Really? Is that the best name you could come up for it?!" She had started pacing the room a while ago and you could now see the carpet being plastered down where she walked.
"She" I corrected her. She shot me a look.
"It." She snarled through clenched teeth. "You're not even trying! Please! I just want you to be normal." I had a sarcastic comment forming in my mind but I saw her in tears.
"You're right. I'm not trying. I just can't block out their voices and I don't know what to do! I'm trying everything Miss. K said but it isn't working." I sighed. My mom nodded in triumph since she was right.
"I know this isn't easy for you, but after 8 years of these appointments how can it be getting worse?" She asked. I shrugged, how was I supposed to know. What do I do? Tell them to shut up? Wait maybe that'll work. My mom began walking away to the kitchen to prepare dinner. I ran up to the attic, where my bedroom was. I sleep in the attic mostly because my 2 brothers (Zach and Eden) have the two of the three rooms on the top floor and they fight all the time, and lucky me as the youngest I had the middle room. The other reason why I wanted the attic was because it was huge and the third was because Kaylee likes it better there. It's darker and has a great view of everywhere. I live in Nevada City California and I go to Rockway high school, I'm only a freshman but I seem to know more about high school than some seniors. I'm pretty short for a 15 year old only about 5 feet. I got to my room as the pull down stairs slowly went upwards as I plopped on my bed.
"Hi, I don't know if you still can't hear me but umm. If you can I would really appreciate it if you could just shut up....... Please." I asked loud enough so hopefully the reapers could hear it but quiet enough so my mom and dad (who just came home, I can hear the garage door closing) wouldn't hear. Kaylee still droned on and on about something so I grabbed a piece of paper and scribbled 'please shut up I want to be normal' on it. I concentrated really hard to see her and I found her off in the very back left corner. I waved the paper in her general direction and her dark hood covered her face but I could tell she was studying it. Then I heard a sharp and sudden scoff loud enough to make me jump back.
Fine I'll shut up, I assume you want everyone else to as well?
I nodded sheepishly.
Fine but you will come crawling back begging me to talk, you'll see.
I felt kinda bad and I knew she was right. I can get lonely and when they talk, I feel a part of something. I could see Kaylee, her head turned away, as she tapped her foot. She was burning to talk, I could tell, but she said nothing.
"Sarah time to eat!" Zach called. I rushed downstairs hearing Kaylee talk, not to me of course but to Mike, the neighbors reaper. I plopped down in a seat and retched at what was on my plate.
"Mom! Really? You know I hate Indian food!" I protested.
"Come on don't be racist," she warned.
"I'm not being racist I just don't like their food." I mumbled. Eden loooooved Indian and it was his job as the favorite to be a pain in the butt and get mom to make the one food that Zach and I could not stand. Zach pushed his plate away, stood up and went to go get stuff for a pbj, I followed him. Eden rolled his eyes.
"Mom, you spent all this time making this great food," Eden said with a spoonful in his mouth, "and they are being wasteful and ungrateful." I stuck my tongue out at him and Zach mouthed something, probably you're dead, to him.
"Your brothers right, now sit down and eat." Mom said without looking up from her food.
"Oh come on!" Zach groaned.
"Yeah! Last week when we had Italian (my favorite food) Eden didn't like it so he got to go order from an Indian restaurant!" I complained.
"It's not good for you children to have favorites!" Zach added. And we kept speaking about how Eden was the favorite and my mom gave the whole 'there are no favorites in this household' speech over is.
"Enough!!!" My mom bellowed. "Now sit down and eat your dinner you ungrateful children!" Eden was trying to hide a smile.
"When I graduate, the first thing I'm gonna do is move." Zach hissed and his chair screeched sharply as he got up and ran to his room. I followed him only veering to my room. He won't have to wait long I thought . He is a senior. Ugggggh tomorrow is Monday, year another day of pain and misery. My eyes felt heavy as they closed completely and I fell asleep, dreaming of being able to talk to the reapers.

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