18. Firsts.

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A/N: I've just noticed, but I've dragged this story on for over a year, omg...if i didn't go to college then this would have been finished months ago...but, anyways this story is starting to dial down and coming to an end soon. It will be bittersweet.

anyways, hope you enjoy!

~Hunter xx.

[somewhat edited, but not really]


Harry couldn’t get the idea out of his head, he needed to do it, but he wasn’t sure how to go about it. He knew what he had to get, he had the money for it, that wasn’t the problem. The problem is that he’s really horrible at lying and Louis will catch him before he is able to get with the plan. 

Harry was still carefully watching Louis, who was fast asleep on his chest, as he tried to think of the best way possible as to where it doesn’t go wrong.

He moved down the bed a bit and moved Louis off his chest so that he wouldn’t wake him. He sets him carefully back down onto his shoulder and Harry sets his head on top of his. He feels Louis move closer into his side and hooked their ankles together.

“I love you so, so much, Louis. You have no idea,” Harry whispered as he kissed the top of Louis’ head and drifting off into the dreams that he wished were real.



“No, Bree, that’s not what I want to do!” Harry whisper-shouted over the phone so Louis wouldn’t hear what he was planning.

“That is seriously out of the question then?” She spoke with a question.

“What made you think that? Before or after you told me to dress in just boxers with suspenders attached to them.”

“What, I figured you wanted to seduce him or something,”

“No, no, absolutely not, you know that I am not sexual in anyway, let alone a kinky human being.”

“Well, I could help you turn into one?” Bree spoke, and it made Harry go red in the face.


“Why not?”

“I’ll just think of something else, I’ll talk to you later.”

“Alright, I’ll speak to Hunter when she gets home of what she thinks you should do. Bye, love you!”

“Alright, love you too.” Harry hangs up the phone and leans back on the couch. After a few more minutes he sighs deeply as he runs his hands over his face. He then hears a pair of feet patter into the room and he keeps his eyes closed because he knew it was Louis.

But, what he wasn’t expecting was that Louis would sit on his lap, sort of straddling them. He puts his hands on Harry’s shoulders and started to rub them, “What’s go you so tense, love?”

Louis continued to rub his shoulders, making Harry moan at the sensation that started to course through his body, “It’s nothing, I just didn’t sleep well last night and I don’t know why,” he answered as he opened his eyes and spotted something he hasn’t seen in years.

In front of him was Louis, but a different Louis. He had his thick framed glasses on and his hair flopped down partially over his eyes. This look hasn’t been seen in at least 5 years or so, Harry’s favorite look on him.

“What, is there something on my face?” Louis asked since Harry couldn’t take his eyes off of him.

“No, you’re fine, but what’s with the look? I haven’t seen this since highschool?” Harry spoke as he ran his fingers over the glasses and moved the hair that had fallen to behind Louis’ ear.

Locked Out of Love -Larry AUKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat