Happiness - Your Favorite Driver

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It's been one of the most frustrating days I've ever had in a race car. I'm trying not to get angry, keeping myself in check as best I can, but when you have more questions than answers, it just drains you; physically, mentally, and emotionally. I need a breather, away from the car and anyone associated with the team, so I start to walk away from the garage area. A couple of "Hey"s are exchanged with a few associated with other teams, the smile that I'm usually known for is nowhere to be found; that is until I see my two favorite girls walking towards me. Gosh, how'd I get so lucky? 

I watch as our daughter lets go of my wife's hand. The smile, the infectious laugh, the chocolate brown eyes that she got from me; the brown curls, the soft spoken nature, the gracefulness that she got from her. There was no denying that she was every bit the two of us, not favoring one over the other.


I crouch down to her level as she's running towards me, my mood instantly improving as she wraps her arms around my neck, and I hug her even tighter.

"How's my Princess been? Have you been good for Mommy?"

"Oh, yes, Daddy. I've been a very good girl."

I pick us both up from her level just as my wife gets to us, and I wrap my one available arm around her as we share a passionate kiss.

"Hey, Baby."

"Hey, Beautiful. How are you?"

"I'm good. How's the car?"


I could see from her facial expression that wasn't the answer that she was expecting to hear, as it's never been a word to come out of mouth.

"What's up?"

"I'd rather not talk about it. I'm just so happy that the two of you are here."

"So are we, so are we."

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