Start from the beginning

"How come you look amazing in everything?" Vin asked stunned by her looks and amazing features.

"Aw, Vin!" Vicki said pressing a kiss to his cheek and they were off to see Danny about his work shift.

"I woke up with pink eye, and I've got a doctor's appointment." Vin told Danny.

"Well, I'm going to need someone to cover your shift." Danny said. Vin and Vicki walked back to the house.

"What shift do you have?" Mike asked.

"From three to nine." Vinny said.

"That's a horrible shift." Mike said.

"Ask Sam and Angelina?" Vicki said.

"Hey, so I have a doctor's appointment and I need someone to cover my shift." Vinny said.

"What shift?" Sam asked.

"From three to nine." Vin said.

"Um, I can do from three to six." Sam said.

"And you'll do from six to nine?" Vin asked Angelina who looked completely uninterested.

"But I'm going to need to get ready." Angelina said.

"We get ready at eleven o'clock." Vicki said.

"I'll do from six to like seven." Angelina said.

"That's the best I can do?" Vin asked. The girls nodded before Vin went and told Danny and we jumped into the car and drove to the doctor's office.

"What great roommates Sam and Angelina are huh?" Vicki said looking over at Vin while she was driving.

"God Angelina is the laziest person I've ever met." Vinny said. Vicki laughed while nodding her head. Vin reached over and grabbed Vicki's hand.

"Thank you for coming with me Vic." Vinny said squeezing Vicki's hand.

"It's not a problem Vin." Vicki said turning into the doctor's office parking lot and parking.

"You ready?" Vicki asked.

"Yeah." Vin said climbing out of the car, and walked into the office.


"How did it go?" Pauly asked as we walked in.

"No problems." Vin said.

"Is it contagious?" Ron asked.

"It's contagious only if I rub my eye and touch you." Vin said.

"If you lick his eyeball you can get it." Pauly said.

"Yuck Pauly!" Vicki said shaking her head.

"I'm just kidding princess." Pauly said kissing Vicki's cheek.


"Give me some Ron Ron juice!" Vicki said running over in a towel.

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