"Absolutely." Sam said. "I'm liking you already." Vicki said with a smile.

"Thanks Vic." Sam said. Vinny ran up and wrapped his arm around the girl.

"You ready to meet the boss man?" Vin asked.

"Yeah sure." Vicki said with a smile. They all walked inside the t-shirt shack.

"Hey Danny." They all said.

"Hey, nice and early." Danny said.

"Not all of us." Ron said

"Why? Are we missing someone?" Danny asked.

"Yeah, Nicole." Jenny said.

"What a great impression." Danny said.

"Anyway, let me show you all the basics. This is the t-shirt press, the hanging racks and the storage rooms." Danny said we all took notice of what we were going to need to do on our job shifts, as we were about to leave, in walked a hungover Snooki.

"Nicole, word please." Danny said, Vicki leaned against Vinny's chest.

"She's fired." Vicki whispered.

"Yeah, no kidding." Vin said while we all walked back to the house and let Snooki and Danny talk.

As we walked inside in walked Snooki.

"Hey, what's up Snook's, did you get in trouble?" Pauly asked.

"What is wrong? Like what have I done?" Snooki asked.

"What do you mean Snooki?" Vicki asked.

"Like, why is everyone acting weird towards me?" Nicole asked.

"No we weren't sweetheart." Mike said shaking his head.

"Like seriously, what have I done?" Nicole asked.

"Like what were you doing? Were you sick?" Sam asked.

"I was in the bathroom." Snooki said.

"Like you were vomiting you're brains out, I didn't want like breath on me." Sam said. Vicki groaned while resting her head on Vin's chest.

"No, I brush my teeth." Snooki said feeling embarrassed.

"It's fine." Sam said.

"Leave her alone Sam." Vicki said grabbing some salad bowls, and mixed some cucumber, tomatoes, peppers, chicken, chilli's and dressing.

"Wow, Vicki. That looks delicious." Pauly said looking over at Vicki's salad bowl.

"Thanks Pauly." Vicki said.

"Vicki is a great cook, she makes an amazing lasagna." Jenny said stealing a tomato from the bowl.

"Thanks sister." Vicki said.

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