Hiking Is The Worst

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The weather was never like this back when everyone was going to Camp Campbell. Back then, there was always a breeze to help get everyone's mind off the heat. There was always a cloud in the sky or, on the best days, gray clouds to indicate the soon arrival of rain or hail.

It never got this hot.

When Max woke up, he felt that he could barely breathe from how stuffy it was inside his tent. He had kicked the blankets off of him, rolling off his bed in the process, laying sprawled out on the floor in an attempt to get cold again.

"You okay?" He heard Neil ask. Max could tell he didn't give two fucks about how he was feeling, seeing that he wasn't even looking in his general direction, but he had to give him something for trying.

"It's... so hot..."

Something cold collided with Max's stomach, and it took a moment for him to recognize it as a water bottle. He popped off the lid and drank as much of it as he can in one sitting. He choked on it, of course, but it was refreshing to say the least.

"Thanks, Neil." he muttered, throwing the bottle back at him.

"We're supposed to go on a hike later today."

"In this heat?"

"I wouldn't wear that jacket outside, if I were you."

"I would've taken that thought into consideration if it wasn't coming from a child wearing a turtleneck."

Max helped himself to whatever the coffee machine had to offer, ignoring the offended look that replaced Neil's usual bored expression.

"Is it supposed to cool down later today?" Max asked, watching the black liquid slowly drip into his favorite mug.

"Do I look like a weather reporter to you?" Neil asked.

"You could resemble one if you wanted to. You have the enthusiasm for it."

Neil muttered something bitter under his breath.

"See? The best."

Max took a few sips of his coffee, his lips curling into a thin smile from the energy now running in his veins.

"I still can't believe you can drink that shit. Especially in this heat."

"Maybe if I do, I'll get heat stroke, and won't have to go on that stupid hike you were talking about."

"Wouldn't count on it."

Max pulled on his sweater, hoping that the fabric would be thin enough for him to be able to wear it outside.

"I'm getting something to eat, need anything?"

"You mean from that disgusting slop they serve?"

"The meals here are more edible than it was at Camp Campbell."

"Not wrong."

"So am I getting something, or will you rely on your own lazy ass to do it?"

"Yeah yeah, sure."

He wasn't listening to him anymore.

Max trudged outside, relieved to find that it was much cooler out there compared to how it was inside his tent.

The mess hall made him feel like he was in some shitty highschool movie where everyone collectively hated the protagonist. When he stepped in, everyone stopped talking in an instant. When he walked over to get food, the majority of the kids walked around to avoid him, but one did the whole "intentional shoulder bump" thing that almost made him fall over.

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