Chapter 15: I'm Sure

Start from the beginning

Shawn wrestled a match against Vader at the end of the night, the last bout they would have until the main event at Summerslam. The match only fueled the fire for Shawn's eventual win. I couldn't help but be excited. Shawn was amazing in the ring. I couldn't hold back my enthusiasm every time we went out.

Shawn and I parted when we got back through the curtain to go shower and change. When I met the boys at my car, Shawn begged us to go to this party he'd been invited to. Someone backstage was hosting it, a bit of a stress reliever before the pay-per-view.

I looked at Paul to answer. I didn't know how wild this party was going to get. With Shawn there, I was guessing very. But I hadn't been to a party since my junior year of high school. Even then, I had only been there for five minutes before Shane found out and dragged me home.

Paul gave me a nod, so I accepted. Shawn cheered. I loved seeing him excited. He drove, since he was the one who knew where we were going. Every time Shawn drove I nearly had a heart attack, but luckily we made it in one piece.

The place was already packed when we got there. I guess that's what happens when you're the last to leave. It was dim and loud, music blasting and alcohol being passed around.

Shawn seemed right at home. Me... not so much. I thought as long as I stayed with either Shawn or Paul I would be fine.

Pretty much the entire locker room, male and female, seemed to be there. I knew one that for sure wouldn't be, though. This was definitely not Mark's scene. It was funny to even picture him in that room. He'd hate every second.

I wondered if Dad knew this was happening. I mean, he had to, right? It wasn't exactly the most discreet event. If the police weren't called at least three times during the night, I would be surprised.

We were offered drinks. Shawn happily obliged, but Paul and I refused. I knew Paul, and I knew he had elected himself designated driver as he always did. I sure wasn't going to drink either. I had drank a bit, with the boys or whatever, but I wasn't exactly all that into it. Throughout my life I'd always known people that liked to get blackout drunk and have what they considered a good time. That wasn't me.

Shawn didn't seem to have any sort of direction, he just wandered. I held tightly onto his hand as he mingled with people. I was introduced as his girlfriend probably a hundred times. Most of them already knew me as Vince's daughter. A few of them thought it was hilarious that I'd "turned to the dark side". Every one of them offered to get me a drink. I politely refused them all. Shawn didn't refuse a single thing handed to him, of course.

Somehow we lost Paul in the crowd. That kind of terrified me. What was I gonna do if Shawn started throwing punches or some shit? Nothing, that's what. What use would I be?

Despite all my doubts and my initial fear, I found myself enjoying the party. The music was nice and Shawn danced with me for a time. The people we talked to were friendly enough. A couple of them tried to hit on me, but they instantly regretted it. I had one shot, after much begging and persuading by the group we were with. It tasted like fire and made my head spin.

Shawn was wasted after we hit a certain point. He leaned against me heavily, his arms wrapped around my neck and chest. It was hard enough wading through the crowd without a large drunken man hanging on you, trust me, but with his added weight I was sure we were both going down soon.

"Shawn, can you let go of me, please?" I asked.

"But Kaaaaaat..." he whined. He laid his head on my shoulder.

I stopped walking. It was pointless, really. "I didn't say you had to go away. I just can't keep carrying you around."

I was saved by some random person, I couldn't tell who in the mayhem, calling him over. He somehow, perhaps by sheer force of will, made his way over. My shoulders immediately felt better.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt someone else place their hand on my left shoulder. I looked at who it was. "Paul! You scared the hell out of me!" I scolded.

"Sorry. I just wanted to check in with you. You know, see if I'll be carting one idiot home tonight or two," he half-joked.

"Just one," I assured him.

"Where is Shawn?" He had to ask me twice, because I could barely hear over the music and the pounding of my own head.

"He's..." I went to point in the direction he'd walked, but it occurred to me that I had gotten completely turned around. "I have no clue."

"You're supposed to be watching him!"

"I'm not his babysitter!"

Paul and I bickered over who was Shawn's babysitter and how we were going to find him. Before we got too far, Shawn found us. He opened his mouth, I assume to tell us something, and faceplanted onto the floor.

I didn't know what to say or do. All I could think was to lamely mutter, "Found him."

Paul looked at me once before snorting at that comment. "Help me carry him out."

Paul carried most of Shawn's weight, throwing his right arm over his shoulder. I had Shawn's other arm over my shoulder. We made it to the door painstakingly slowly.

We buckled Shawn into the back seat and climbed into the front of my car. It was well after three or four in the morning.

I took a breath for what felt like the first time in several hours. Then I bursted into laughter, unable to stop.

Paul sent me a concerned look. "Are you okay? You sure I'm only bringing one idiot up to the room?"

I turned to him with the widest smile. "I'm sure." I breathed. That was the most fun I'd had in a long time.

A chapter that's actually on time??? What?!? Lol I hope you enjoyed the babes having some fun. Maybe Kat likes parties more than she originally thought...

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