On the Kingsroad

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The Kingsroad sure didn't look as scenic as I expected it to be. It's supposed to be the "grandest" highway in the Seven Kingdoms. There was nothing special about it, only a long, shitty road.
I looked out the window and at the muddy ground thinking about who I am to marry.
'Why do I have to go to bloody Kings Landing. It's a vipers pit. A place of secrets, lies and treachery. I guess I'll have to outsmart them all', I thought to myself.
My adoptive parents lead a noble house in the North, House Overton. I was left on their doorstep 21 years ago and they took me in and treated me as if I was their own daughter. Yet, I have no claim to House Overton, so it is passed onto my rightful, younger sister, Thalya. In my father's words he doesn't want a "young beauty to rot away in the North", hence why I'm in a carriage headed south for Kings Landing to be wed.
The sound of hooves hitting the dirt stopped and the carriage came to a halt.
"Excuse me, m'lady but I've noticed the horses have tired and I was wondering if we can stop for the night", the driver said "I've seen men not too far off who look as though they are heading north. I think the imp Lannister is with them".
"Yes that is no problem. Please go check them out first", I answered. The Kingsroad is no place for a lady without protection.
"Yes m'lady".
After sitting there for a while, he returned grinning.
"They said it's alright to stay with them".
"Yes, that's wonderful but are they safe. They could be bandits for all we know", I replied.
"M'lady, the Lannister imp, Ned Stark's bastard and Benjen Stark are there. They're going to Castle Black".
"That should be fine", i said smiling.
I gathered my things and walked over to the men.
The driver cleared his throat and spoke "This is Lady Ella Overton of House Overton".
"My lords" I did a small bow. I looked down to see Tyrion Lannister and a raven haired boy who I assumed was Jon Snow, sitting down.
They both rose a soon as they saw me, bowed back and said "My lady" in unison.
Jon Snow spoke, "I am no lord my lady. I am a bastard. Please, call me Jon".
"You're the son of Ned Stark, are you not?".
He nodded.
"Then you are a lord to me. But if you wish to be called Jon, I will do as you please".
He smiled.
"Do you mind?" I gestured to the spot next to him asking to sit there.
"No my lady", he moved over slightly and sat beside him.
Benjen Stark appeared and men with their hands tied walked behind him.
"I'm guessing you're Ella Overton, my lady" Benjen smiled.
"Yes my lord".
"I am not a lord. Once you've join the Night's Watch and take the oath, your birthright disappears and title. Anyway I hope you find your stay comfortable", he laughed looking at the woods around us.
"Ah.. rapists", Tyrion said referring to the tied up men "They were given a choice no doubt, castration or the Wall. Most choose the knife".
I looked at them disgusted and look back to the Lannister reading his book.
"Not impressed my your new brothers?", Tyrion asked Jon.
The bastard of Winterfell looked ashamed.
I stopped listening to Tyrion and moved my attention onto the men. One was eyeing me, looking me up and down hungrily. I looked away but still listened in on their conversation.
"See that one there. I'd like to make her my whore tonight. I'd take her beautiful arse out into to the woods where no one can hear her scream and moan", he chuckled whispering to his friend.
Benjen spoke, "Do that and-
"Do that and I'll slit your throats", I interrupted.
The men looked shocked.
I cleared my throat " Sorry if that was not proper of a lady to say but if you dare lay a hand on me, that's exactly what I'll do".
I turned back to Jon and Tyrion who were smirking.
"What brings you out here Lady Ella?", Jon asked.
"Please call me Ella. I am travelling to Kings Landing to be married to some nobleman. I don't know which one yet but I don't have a say in this matter".
"Yes. Sometimes we don't get to choose the ones we spend the rest of our lives by. But that's just life isn't it?", Tyrion continued "I didn't get to decide whether I wanted to be a dwarf or not, Snow didn't choose to be a bastard and you don't get to choose who you marry and who'll be the father of your children. Life sucks. But everything's better with some wine in the belly", he chucked a satchel of wine at Jon and he drank it. Jon offered it to me. I gladly accepted and took bigger gulps than he did, almost emptying the bottle.
Tyrion and Jon laughed at me.

As time passed I realised I needed to use a chamber pot.
"Um, sorry" I hesitated "Is there anywhere I can... um... relieve myself".
Tyrion looked to Benjen.
Benjen replied "Uh.. we don't usually have women travelling with us. Men walk off, do their business and return but for a lady like you, I'll get my nephew, Jon to accompany you. It's not safe out there by yourself".
"Thank you".
Jon followed me as I walked off. I made sure I was far enough away that the men at the camp couldn't see me.
"Don't look", I laughed at Jon.
"Oh! Sorry, I didn't realise you were about to- um", he coughed nervously and turned around.
Once I was finished, I faced Jon, "All done" and he turned around.
"You wouldn't mind if we stay out here a little longer?I just a need a break from Tyrion's life lessons and great teachings", I said trying to mock Tyrion's voice humorously. Jon laughed "I was about to ask you the same question".

We walked for a while and got familiar until we heard a rustle in the bushes. Jon pushed me behind him and drew his sword. I pulled out my dagger from within my boot and braced myself. A fox emerged from the foliage but soon darted the other way when it caught a glimpse of us.
We laughed hard.
"Save me Jon! Oh my! A giant beast fox tried to attack us"' I pretended to faint and he caught me.
He stop laughing and looked deep into my eyes. My heart rated spiked and I started to breathe heavy. He leaned in slowly and kissed me. Our lips moved together and he slowly stood me up straight without breaking contact and I felt my back on a tree. I moved my hands up to his head pulled his hair gently and he moaned. Jon kept one hand on my cheek and slowly grazed his other hand down my body and let it rest on my hip. We continued until we ran out of breath.
Our lips parted and we stared into each other's eyes.
I was the first to break contact.
"We should probably return", I stated.
"Yes we should", Jon replied and walked by my side until we reached camp safely.
By now it was nightfall and I could here all the sounds of the forest.

"I'm going get some rest", I sighed and lay down on a sheep skin blanket that was left there for me.
My mind was racing. Lord Stark's bastard son, Jon Snow was the first man I have ever laid my lips on and I was glad.
As I was drifting of to sleep I heard Tyrion speaking to Jon.
"Did you make love to her? You were gone for quite some time".
"No, we only kissed. She has to remain a maiden for her husband to be. I wouldn't do that to her. I wouldn't jeopardise her future", Jon responded.
"And tonight was one of your last nights of freedom and fun before you take the oath as a Brother of the Night's Watch. But I see you have a good heart boy and I respect that", Tyrion said.

And with that I fell into slumber.

Let's Play A Little Game § Petyr BaelishWhere stories live. Discover now