When all else fails, just Reload!

Start from the beginning

"WE MADE IT!!!!". Then we look up to find Nene, Kiriha, Akari, and Zenjirou are in front of us. They all sigh simultaneously. Kiriha helps me up, Nene helps Yuu out, and Akari helps Taiki up. The three of us look at eachother and begin laughing as hard as we did earlier. Then, Nene snaps.


"A w-water balloon fi-fight". Akari gives Taiki a 'why am I not surprised?' look. Nene sighs and says

"JUST HURRY UP AND CLEAN THE FLOOR AND CHANGE!!!". The three of us rotate between two cleaning and one changing at a time. Since we usually go to one another's houses after games, Taiki and I already have a pair of our clothes in Yuu's room. We all put our clothes in the dryer and finished cleaning the floor together. Once it was done, we went out into town.

We decided to go to the arcade today. Once there, Taiki and Kiriha had to face off in Guitar Hero, as always. They usually spend the entire time trying to beat eachother, while the rest of us play a little bit of everything. After an hour or so, we decide to go eat ramen at a ramen shop. Then, we went to the shopping district. We don't buy anything a majority of the time but, we just like to spend time together. It's weird that we all get along so well. It's not like I'm complaining but, if we are like this with others, how can others be manipulated so easily? From personal wants, wishes, and longings, we helped them out of it. Yet, I still don't understand how certain Digimon are willing to trick humans that need help most. Maybe if they cou-

"WHAT IS THAT THING?!" a woman yelled. I look up to find the others jaw dropped. I follow their gaze and I drop my own jaw as well.

"I-it's a-". Nene cuts me off

"Don't be so sure". We all run to a nearby corner and try to understand what's going on.

"I thought we sent all the stray Digimon back home!" Taiki nods

"We did, I know it". Yuu shakes his head, dumbfounded.

"What do we do?!"

"Duh, we fight!". I reach for my Xros Loader but Taiki grabs my wrist.

"We can't rush into this, do we even know what Digimon it is?". We all look over only to find a huge crowd where the woman was. We all run to the crowd. Akari tries to look over the crowd but with no luck.

"I can't see anything!". I smirk and look over at Taiki.

"Hey, Taiki, pick up your girlfriend". They both turn red instantly

"S-sh-she's not my g-g-girlfr-friend!!!". I laugh,

"Dude, you're redder than your Xros Loader!!!"

"SHUT UP TAGIRU!!!". I sigh

"Either you pick her up or one of us does, your choice loverboy". He sighs and looks over at Akari who's looking the other direction. He walks over to her and picks her up piggy-back style.

"Akari, are you okay?". She jolts up slightly and says

"Y-yeah I'm good." She sighs and looks over the crowd. She gasps and wraps her arms around Taiki's neck tighter.

"I might be wrong but, I think it is a Digimon. I still can't see over a couple really tall people but, I know that's not an animal. We have to do something.". Taiki re-augusts Akari while saying

"We can't just walk up and say 'hey can we get our Digimon back?'. We need a diversion". Before I know it, Zenjirou stands on some crates and yells

"FREE RAMEN EVERYBODY!!!!! GET IT WHILE IT'S HOT!!!!". Then, the crowd follows him into a ramen shop.

"Well, I didn't think that would work". Kiriha shakes his head and says

"None of us did. Now, is it a Digimon or not?". We all look the where the center of the crowd was. There, we find something curled into a ball. Akari gets off of Taiki and walks towards it. Then, she sits down next to it. All of a sudden, she picks It up and places it in her lap.

"It's warm". She strokes the top of it gently for a while before standing up with the bundle in her hands.

"We should go back, it's too public here". We all nod and head back to Yuu's house. Once we get back, Akari sits on the couch. Taiki sits next to her, trying to help her care for the bundle.

We all stay in the house for hours. Before we know it, the Sun's already sets and its dark outside. Nene and Kiriha fall asleep next to eachother. Akari falls asleep next to Taiki with the bundle between them. Yuu and I sleep on the floor. The thing is, we didn't plan on taking a nap, it just happened.

After a while, Yuu and I wake up. Nene and Kiriha were already up, but they were in the kitchen. Akari was asleep on Taiki's shoulder but something was weird. The bundle wasn't a bundle anymore. It was a

"DIGIMON!!!". Taiki and Akari jolt up, completely unaware of how they were sleeping. Then, everyone looks at the once was bundle to find a tiny Digimon. It yawns and says

"Hello, thank you for sleeping with me. It's lonely sleeping by myself. Anyways, I'm Zeemon. And, I have a message from the King, the General, and the Sergeant.". Taiki, Yuu and I are more alert than before.

"What's the message?". Zeemon yawns again and says

"The message is 'we need Xros Heart to lead us in battle again. Something's coming to your world. But, this will cause troubles in both our worlds. If you have any further questions, please Reload us'. ". Yuu says

" 'Just Reload us'? We haven't been able to.". Then Taiki says

"Well, we haven't tried since then.". I stand up with Xros Loader in hand and say

"Let's try one more time, together.". Taiki and Yuu stand up and go to both sides of me. We all take a deep breath and say

"Reload, Shoutmon!"

"Reload, Gumdramon!"

"Reload, Damemon!". Then, the three of them stand there right in front of us. Taiki, Yuu, and I yell

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!". Then they yell

"SAME GOES TO YOU!". The next thing I know, the the three of them run toward us. We run towards them and pick greet them in our own ways. Afterwards, Taiki says

"Xros Heart is back in action guys!" We all yell in excitement and celebrate for the rest of the night.

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