First Love..Jallisa

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*Alissa Point Of View*
I was dreaming about Jake and i as a couple..but when we were close to kissing water splash on me I woke up and saw Jake smiling I smiled. "Jake really I had a really i mean really good dream and u woke me up" I said "Aww really what was it About?" Said Jake while giving me a smile. I blushed and said "N-Nothing" he chuckled then he saw my top and said "Alissa your too went a little look" he blushed then he looked away. I covered them and said "get out my room Ima dress up. He said "Meet me downstairs I gotta show u someone. I smiled and locked my door, I dressed up with some black skirt with a top crop and a sweater. I went downstairs and saw a girl next to Jake holding hands..I my heart broke to a trillion pieces but I hid it and walked up to the girl and gave her a fakers smile ever and gave her a hand shake and I was walking to the couch with neels and said to him "wanna come to the movies with me?" He said "sure" while I was talking about what movie we wanted to watch I saw Jake getting a little jealous so he kept staring at us while the girl gave him a kiss I looked away and told Neels lets go and he opened the door for me I said "Thank You" and he looked at Jake and Jake looked back Jake got jealous cause Neels gave him a grin. While we were watching the movie I felt sleepy so I slept on Neels shoulder. The movie ended and I was still sleeping so he carried me to the car *Skip to the front door of team 10* He is still carrying me and he opened the door and saw Jake with the girl kissing but Jake didn't see him so he took a picture. Neels gave me a kiss on the forehead and Jake saw him kissing me in the forehead so he got jealous cause..He did that and I woke up but when I woke up I saw Jake running to Neels and punched him I told Jake to stop "Neels SHES MINE!" Said Jake and I said "Who?". Jake said "Some girl" I got heard broken so I grapped Neels hand and went to my room "Neels Are You Ok?" He nodded And i and him looked at each other and we kissed and Jake came into my room to say sorry to Neels but he saw us kissing and we didn't notice him so we kept kissing. I saw Jake and stoped kissing Neels but Jake looked heartbroken so I said "Jake u broke my heart first so we are even" I got up my bed and closed the door in his face I felt sad but I kinda like Neels too so I kinda didn't care..So I kept kissing Neels and I heard Jake saying "Why Did she do that? What did she meant I broke her heart first?? Ugh I hate my life!!." I heard it but I don't wanna stop kissing Neels so slept in the same bed.

*Next Day*
I woke up and i and Neels were cuddling so I closed my eyes to go to sleep but Jake came in and saw us cuddling so I pretend to be a sleep I heard Jake saying "Why did I let her be with Neels! I LOVE HER but I couldn't tell her?!" He closed the door and I can hear him tearing up..I woke up slowly so I don't wake up Neels so I got dressed and went downstairs and saw Jake and Tessa kissing "Why did Tessa do this to me she's my Bsf" I whispered and said "Am Interrupting something....." Tessa and Jake looked at me worried. Tessa said "Its not what it looks like Lisa!" I said "Tessa I don't want to be your friend anymore and Jake..a I loved u too but I couldn't tell u but I see u choose Tessa over me so I'll move out with Neels atleast someone cares about me" and Martinez twins were behind me and they said "we care about u" so I hugged them both then I ran to my room crying" I woke up Neels saying "Neels can I move with u?" He said "yes of course" I hugged him and kissed him. So I packed my stuff and went downstairs and shrugged everyone except Jake and Tessa they looked at me and Neels holding hands Jake got jealous so he ran to me pulled me closer and kissed me but I pulled away I said "Stop it im with Neels now I'm not your little bitch anymore go back to Tessa im outta here" I said and grapped Neels hand. He was about to drive me outta the drive way of team 10 then I said "Wait Neels I forgot my shoes Ima get them" he said "ok hurry" I ran to my room but when I walked in Jake and Tessa were doing the nasty stuff I was heartbroken so I ignored them and I grapped my shoes but Jake and Tessa grapped my hand and pulled me to the bed Jake was raping me....I screamed saying "HELP ME PLEASE" then Neels and The Martinez twins came in and saw what he was doing to me. Neels said "Get off" he grapped Jake and punched him and the Martinez grapped Tessa and holding her back. I said "Jake what the fuck I thought u liked Tessa not me so leave me the fuck alone peace of shit I don't Love you anymore I love Neels now not you! Just get out of my life!" he was tearing up I just left with Martinez twins and Neels...but when I got to the car I saw....

Hey Guys I'm Rare here so Ima start doing this fanfics for jalissa or Nalissa Or lalissa ((; we would find out later in the story
And comment if u want me to do smut next chapter
Love You Guys! ❤️😍

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