Chapter 1

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MCR fanfic people. If you don't like them then GTFO my page. Also, the cover of the book has no relevance to the book. It has nothing to do with Twilight or Harry potter.

Well, here goes nothing. I climbed onto the yellow school bus. My first day can't be too bad, right? I mean, I've had some bad ones but this has got to be at least decent. This'll be, what, the 13th time we've moved in the past 10 years? But all that aside, this couldn't be too bad. I mean sure the neighborhood was rough, and everyone looked like they wanted to mug me, but could it really be that bad?

Who am I kidding? This is going to suck. I haven't even sat down yet and judging by the hooligans roughhousing on the bus and the preppy girls with the way too short skirts, this was going to be at the very least, an interesting day. Why couldn't mom have just let me stay home and finish unpacking my room?

I found an empty seat -amazingly- in the middle and shoved my headphones into my ears. I just looked out the window and tried to ignore the paper throwing and the yelling and just everything. Nobody really seemed to notice me, thankfully, and until we got to the school I kind of just sat there. What else was I supposed to do? Everyone seemed like they knew each other, even if they had their differences.

The bus hissed to a stop and the doors swung open. Immediately everyone tried to get out at the same time, it was honestly like a pack of wild animals. I just sat in the seat waiting for everyone to pass, like usual.

"Watch it Gaytard!" And then some kid was flung on me.

"It's Gerard you halfwit!" came the reply of another boy being shoved around, as 'Gerard' stood up and brushed himself off, not even really paying attention to the fact that he just landed on someone.

He grumbled to himself and hopped off the bus without a second glance, disappearing into the crowd.

Ok then. You just landed on someone and left without a glance. That's cool too. Whatever. I honestly don't even care. I just want to get through the day so I can go home. I followed behind the crowd of people and into the auditorium.

We all sat down, we knew the "first day of school" routine. I sat in the very back, all alone. No way was I going to be wedged between a bazillion people if I had a choice.

I sat and listened for a while before I completely spaced out. Blah blah schedule blah blah obey the teachers blah blah it'll be so fun blah blah blah. I always carried a small notebook in my back pocket, about the size of a poptart. I wrote stuff down or sketched and did whatever. I pulled it out and grabbed a pencil from inside my backpack. I'm not very talented, I just do it in my free time. Or time when I'm supposed to be listening to the teacher but I'm actually bored out of my skull. Mostly that.

I disregarded everything going on around me and started to sketch. Usually when I start to draw I don't even know what I want it to be. I just draw and whatever happens, happens. Usually a giant mess of scribbles I know I'll regret looking at later. No matter how much I hate a drawing, I can never throw it out though. I don't even know why, I end up stuffing it under my bed later anyways.

It progressed and turned into a vine of bleeding hearts. A tendril from another plant started to wrap around the stalk of the bleeding hearts and around the hearts themselves, making it look as if they're being choked. Next to it I wrote "give me all your hopeless hearts". It seemed to fit well. I signed it at the bottom, Delphian Faraday , as I always did, when the bell rang.

Everyone started to move out, like a gigantic wave, and swept me out. Usually I waited until everyone had passed, then slunk quietly to my classes, but today I was caught up in the wave. And in all the bumping and shoving and pushing I never realized my paper had fluttered to the ground.

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