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A/N: ok so im having a bunch of fun writing this. I might bring in other ships as well but until then enjoy!


     It had been a few minutes after their awkward conversation when the nurse came in. "Hello boys" she said smiling sweetly "Do you mind telling me what happened?" "Well..." hinata glanced away. "On my way home yesterday my bikes chain snapped and I fell. The bike fell on my leg and the chain wrapped around my ankle. I couldn't get loose but when I finally did my ankle hurt really bad." His face was red from crying and he looked down.
        "Dont worry hun you just sprained it" she said sweetly. "You need to rest for a few days. That means no volleyball until it heals." "Yes ma'ma" he said reluctantly. "I'll take him home" kageyama said standing. The nurse nodded and walked out of the room. Kageyama went to follow so he could talk to her when hinata grabbed his sleeve. "Please dont leave" he said quietly blushing. "I hate being alone"
       "Hey you'll be ok" kageyama said holding hinata's hands for a second. "Your gonna be healed in no time." He let go blushing lightly. Hinata smiles sweetly and grabs kageyama's hands again. "Is this ok?" He asked nervously.  Kageyama blushes a bit and nods. "There's something on your mind huh" he said squeezing his hands a bit. Hinata nods. "I dont want you to worry about me but now all this is happening and your asking me to move in with you" he lets go of his hands blushing a bit. "I mean your right there but still so out of my reach"
       "Hinata I will always worry about you so dont tell me not to worry" he held hinata's hand on the bed sheets fingers intertwined. "You say im out of your reach but really im to close for us to Handel." He leans and kisses hinata's forehead softly. "Cheer up. I wanna see my little ball of sunshine" Kageyama blushes lightly and looks away. Hinata blushes brightly and nods smiling. "Ok I'll try." He said.
        "Eeeeeeeeeh look at you blushing! So cute" kageyama said smirking. "S-shut up!" Hinata said blushing brighter. He grabbed kageyama's shirt and pulled them so they touched foreheads. "I bet I could make you blush just as bad" Kageyama blushes a bit. "Oh ya? Prove it" he challenged.
         "You know I really love you" hinata whispered before kissing his lips gently.
         Kageyama kisses back emedetly then pulls away blushing deeply. "I heard that dumbass" he said quietly. "I.....I love you too..."
          Hinata giggles happily face red as his hair. "I told you I could do it!" He said laughing. "So that happened..." "I need to take you home" Kageyama said trying to avoid the topic. Hinata nods. "But I cant walk so how...?" Kageyama picks hinata up bridal style. "I carry you simple." Hinata blushed and nodded. "Can we go to your house?" He asked softly "I dont want to deal with my dad" Kageyama nodded and walked outside. "I love you kageyama" hinata muttered falling asleep. "I love you too hinata" he said blushing a bit.
           Hinata fell asleep as they or rather kageyama walked home.


Soooooooo that was interesting. Its just gonna get more and more interesting now. Im sorry ahead of time for crushing your soul.😏😏 anyways I hope you enjoyed my crappy story!! I suck I know. Anyways words for this story is exactly 593 authors note included. What did you think?

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