Chapter 26//Out of the woods... I think

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"It's ok Ella. I think that a marshmallow and a beetroot go perfectly together."

He pulls me tighter into his side and places a soft butterfly kiss on the top of my head. The singular contact makes my face erupt with a ferocious blush.

He laughs once more.

"Now I'd say it's between a 9 and a 10."

I scoff at him, a smile appearing on my face. He laughs at me again so I remove myself from under his arm and walk backwards away from him. He stares at me intently, a joyful smile painted on his face with as much detail as the Mona Lisa.

"You are certainly something different, Ella Foster."

"I could say the same for you, Kyle Flores."

By this point we are both smiling madly at one another, with a look of content painted on both our faces. I could have gotten lost in that moment, staring at him, while he stares back at me. However, a deep, thunderous noise tosses the moment aside and fills me with fear instantaneously. The noise is a loud howl heard from about a mile behind us.

Kyle immediately perks up and looks around the surrounding forest cautiously.

"Rocky", he mumbles under his breath.

"Run!!" Luke shouts.

From there chaos is born like a wild animal being set free into a calm civilisation. Everyone immediately leaps to their feet and shifts into their wolves. We sprint off in the same direction we had started in and follow the scent of Edgewater High as far as it will take us.


Three long hours later, we arrive at the culmination of our journey. It sits like a glorious castle before us. A symbol of victory and freedom.

We have escaped Rocky's pack and fought our way through the silent chaos of the forest. We have fought, and now we have won. Smiles flood through the pack like a contagious disease, bringing down the might of our loss and fear. Then just as we arrive at the gates, they open for our entrance, like a ceremonious conclusion to our hard efforts.

As we walk through the gates we are greeted by a smiling crowd of students standing in the courtyard, who upon our arrival start cheering. Among the crowd I spot my roommates, Ashley waving at me like a mad woman.

"ELLA!!!" She shrieks.

Smiling at the sense of normal that seeing them brings, I sprint over to their warm embrace.

"Oh my god Ella! Where were you?!" Saskia shrieks.

"Yeah," Ashley continues, "as soon as the hunters left with you guys all hell broke loose! Without Kyle to lead the werewolves everyone went into panic. Everything was just starting to become settled..... until this afternoon."

My brows furrow in confusion.

"Wha-Wait what happened this afternoon?" I ask.

Ashley gulps and looks to the other girls, a question hanging between them.

"Guys?" I ask once more.

Saskia sighs, closing her eyes as if deep in thought, before opening them swiftly with a fearful look in her eyes.

"Everything was calming down, until this afternoon when we got a notice from the supernatural's government. As of now, a war has begun."

I have to blink a couple of times to process this. War. A frickin war. Why in the hell is there a war and who started it?
As if reading my mind Saskia continues talking with a grim look on her face.

"It's because of you, Ella."


She gulps once more, looking to Ashley who grimly continues from where Saskia left off.

"Kyle's crazy ex-brother, Rocky, started a war with us. The government signed on his request as this sort of stuff between us has been brewing for a while."

I wait for her to finish answering my question, but to my surprise it's Becca who answers it.

"He claims that you broke a signed upon agreement and that unless you follow through with that agreement.... he'll destroy everything and everyone that stands in his way."

My breath catches in my throat and I'm paralysed momentarily before Ashley continues talking.

"They're calling it The War of the Alphas, and it seems that you're standing right in the centre of it."

Hi everyone. I'm so so sorry that I didn't update yesterday, I got caught up in homework.... and Netflix. However, I did write this today, on Fathers Day for you magnificent readers, so despite how short it was, please appreciate my efforts in the comments!

As most of you will probably have guessed by now, The War of the Alphas will be the culmination of our wonderful journey with Ella and Kyle.... most of all, my darling Kyle! This war will probably go for a while and include tonnes of drama, death, gore, action and most of all, ROMANCE!! So please stay tuned for my next chapter.


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