Chapter 2

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By the morning, we flew over the country side and flew lower when we came upon a large old house. We landed on a dirt road but Fred kept driving onto the green grass.

We climbed out of the car when it came to a stop and very quietly ran up to a door with a small window which seemed to be by the kitchen.

Fred opened the window and unlocked the door, "Come on," He whispered. He lead the way inside, "Okay, come on."

I looked around the house in amazement. The dishes were cleaning themselves, wool was knitting itself into a blanket.

Everything felt so -


"It's not much," Ron spoke with his mouth full with food, "But it's home."

"I think it's brilliant," Harry spoke my thoughts.

Suddenly we heard footsteps running downstairs and then, Mrs. Weasley stepped in, with her hands on her hips and an angry look on her face, "Where have you been?!" She asked her sons. She looked at me and Harry with a soft look and smile, "Clara, Harry, how wonderful to see you, dears." She looked back at Ron and the twins and scolded, "Beds empty. No note. Car gone. You could have died. You could have been seen." She looked at me and Harry again and spoke softly, "Of course, I don't blame you two."

"They were starving them, Mum," Ron said, "There were bars on their window."

Mrs. Weasley pointed at Ron, "Well, you best hope I don't put bars on your window, Ronald Weasley." Ron's eyes grew wide in fear and I smiled. Mrs. Weasley looked back at me and Harry with a smile, "Come on, dears, time for a spot of breakfast."

Percy, Fred, George, Ron, Harry and I sat at the table in the kitchen, eating Mrs. Weasley's amazing food when someone ran down the stairs.

The same little girl who we saw last year came in, looking at Mrs. Weasley, "Mummy, have you seen my jumper?"

"Yes, dear, it was on the cat," Mrs. Weasley answered.

The girl looked at me and Harry, and her eyes grew wide as she stared at my brother. He smiled slightly, "Hello." The girl backed away and rushed up the stairs. The twins chuckled and I frowned. Harry looked at Ron and me, "What did I do?"

I shrugged as Ron spoke, "Ginny. She's been talking about you all summer. A bit annoying, really."

I smirked, "Ooh, Harry you didn't tell me you have a girlfriend."

He scoffed, hitting my arm playfully while the twins chuckled. A man came to the window door, "Morning, Weasleys."

He walked in as Ron and his three brothers answered, "Morning, Dad."

"What a night," Mr. Weasley said, "Nine raids. Nine!"

Harry and I looked at Ron, "Raids?" Harry asked.

"Dad works in the Ministry of Magic, in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office," Ron answered.

"The Misuse of Muggle Artifacts?" I asked.

"That's when wizards bewitch something to drive Muggles mad," Ron answered, "Shrinking door keys, that kind of thing. Dad loves Muggles. Thinks they're fascinating."

Mr. Weasley kissed Mrs. Weasley cheek before sitting down in the head of the table, between Harry and George. "Well, now," He said, sighing happily as Mrs. Weasley set a plate of food in front of him. He looked at me and Harry, "Hello. Who are you?"

"Hello. I'm Clara Potter," I introduced myself.

"And I'm Harry. Harry Potter," Harry introduced himself.

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