WT1| Interlude - 07

Start from the beginning

I looked back at him and frowned. "Why not?"

"You know my mom trying to pay for my little sister's school and shit so I don't wanna... you know." He told me.

Whenever it came to Chris, he was selfless.

On the outside, you saw a 6'3 muscle head with the body of an NFL quarterback; big and tall. He could probably lift a car with one finger and not even grunt he was so strong. He didn't look like he was still in high school either but for some reason, no one really did anymore. He had a half sleeve up his right forearm and so much hair no one could possibly no what to do with it except throw it in a ponytail or some braids and leave it alone. His appearance was brute and mean.

However, he wasn't his appearance at all. He was a poet, a writer, with plans to take up journalism or psychology in college instead of the football career path that his father had him on. All he cared about was others; he was a protector. That's how we became friends to even begin with.

He was soft and gentle despite his hard exterior, leading to several predictions of who he really was.

He wasn't that pretty boy jock who bullied people, he was the exact opposite.

"Well, you know I can pay for your ticket." I told him with a shrug. "I don't mind."

"Nah, low key wasn't trying to go anyway. It's this lil' event out downtown tonight where everyone sees what it's like to be homeless for a night, y'know? So I'm gonna go and do that." He told me, looking down at his hands.

I nodded, understanding. "Well, you and Joy were my dates... I can't just.. fine. I'm going with you, that's my only option." I said with a shrug. "I'm not going alone."

"But didn't you already get your ticket?" He asked.

I nodded again. "Mhm, I'll give it away." I said before looking back down at my book.

He shook his head. "Nah, this is a big night for you. For everybody. This is like a milestone, something you'll tell your future kids, you know?" He said, shaking his head.

"For some reason, you always think you know what's best for me." I said through a laugh. "I'm going."

"I do and you're not." He said strongly.

He was always like a big brother, telling what to do and what not to do. He was the one encouraging me to stay in school and go to college when all I wanted to do was work in the first place. He wasn't controlling but he really gave the impression that he knew what was good or bad for me, and he was right.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, whatever."


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