I Never Really Hate Traffic

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    The drive to work that day was just as uneventful as usual, or at least I thought so. Driving up Rte 684 to make my way to 85 towards Danbury was not a difficult commute just long. I was living in Mt. Vernon NY at the time so the traffic was going in the other direction for both my drive to work and home. I never really hit traffic unless there was an accident and I guess that's were this story starts.

    I had just come off off the exit from 684 to 84 and was wondering why so many tractor trailers rolled on that curve it didn't seem that sharp. I merged onto 84 thinking how dumb some drivers are but I guess I should have been paying attention myself. I didn't see the car but I sure as hell heard his blaring horn. We both swerved to miss each other and I felt my Jeep fishtail a little, heard the screech of a wheel but got it under control right before the ditch in the median. I was along side the car I almost hit and sheepishly looked over at him and with a brow full of sweat I did the "sorry dude" nod. He totally ignored me, I thought that was weird I would have flipped me the bird. I looked in my rearview mirror at the cloud of dirt I had kicked up. — Shit I'm late for work! Got to work late and told them about the jerk that cut me off and when right to work. 

    It must have been around lunch time when the headache started and no amount of asprin of caffeine  would make it go away but I managed to get through the day and live through a couple of my bossed corny jokes — God he was an ass hole. My ride home was quiet too, still had the headache but halfway home my stomach really started to hurt like when your sore from someone punching you in your gut kind of hurt. With one hand on the wheel and the other on my gut I look out my Jeeps window and notices I was on the other side of the road fro my little mishap that morning.

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