The door opens and I turn around only to see my mom entering the room. "Mom," I smile and open my arms for a hug. It's been so long since I've hugged her and I really wish I had done it more in the past.

"My beautiful boy, I've missed you so much." She hugs me tightly and I rest my chin on her head. After taking a deep breath I let go and look at her, she looks like she's aged a lot since I last saw her. "You need a haircut! That beard is as long as your actual hair!"

"When we get out of here I have to get a haircut," She nods happily, "How's Gemma and Nilda?"

"Your sister is very excited to see you and Nilda was almost as joyful as me. That maid has always treated you like a son, a lovely woman she is." Mom smiled and then her eyes wandered all over my naked chest and torso, and suddenly they filled with tears. It also seemed like she had a remorseful look in her eyes, but I couldn't understand why. "What happened? They said you were on an island the entire time. What went on?"

I grabbed her hands and waited for her to look into my eyes. I half smiled and replied with, "I'm fine, really. What happened on the island will stay on the island, okay? I survived and that's all that matters."

She nodded but I could tell she would eventually ask again. She was always such a persistent woman.

"How about we get out of here?"

"Sure thing, mom."


My head was buried in my dad's chest, trying my hardest to get more warm. It was morning already and I could feel the five o'clock shadow on my face. The raft was moving softly across the ocean, and in that moment I'd do anything to be back home. We were all awake but it was like we were in a trance — nothing felt real. This is the type of stuff you see in movies, but here I was living a nightmare.

"Here, drink up," My dad pressed the water bottle to my lips and tilted it so I could get a sip. He gave me water as if I were a baby but honestly that's what I felt like.

"Don't give him so much." The crew member said, a look of exhaustion on his features as well.

"Yeah yeah," Dad softly pushed me off his chest but snapped his fingers in front of his face as if saying 'look at me'. "Harry, I'm not the man that you think I am."

"What? Dad, I think you're dehydrated and are saying things that make no sense. Have some water."

"No! Harry listen to me! I'm not the man you think I am. I made a lot of bad choices and did really stupid things, okay? I failed Starling City and it's up to you to save it. You're my son! You're going to go back and fix my wrongs, alright?"

"Dad, what are you–" He pulled out a gun from inside his shirt and turned it towards the crew member. He pulled the trigger and shot the man in the head.

"Dad?! What are you doing! Oh my God!"

"There's only enough food for you. I love you, alright? I need you to survive son. I need you to save your city." Then he turned the gun to himself.

"Dad! Please stop! We can-" And then he pulled the trigger. "NO!" His head dropped onto my lap and the blood oozed onto my pants. "What did you do?" I shouted although I knew he couldn't hear me. The sobs were so loud, it felt like my heart was breaking. It all felt like some bad dream and I was praying that I'd wake up, but deep down I knew that this was my reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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