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Harry's POV | ・゚

Running towards the sound of voices, I see two men. Their attention is drawn to me when they hear me moving towards them. When I catch sight of their ship, I drop to my knees, my torn up pants press against my skin. I pull off the hood on my head and close my eyes in exhaustion. I'm aware of how dirty and tired I look, but a feeling of relief washes over me, I can finally go home to Starling City.

One of the men helps me to my feet, steering me to a seat on the ship shortly after. I tell him in his language that there's a wooden box by the ship that contains something personal to me. Being away from home for five years I've encountered and learned many things, like learning how to speak Mandarin. He tells the other guy to go in search of it, who obediently nods his head. The man returns shortly after with the rectangular box and he places it on my lap. I'm handed some food, water, and a blanket, and begin to act weak. I need them to believe I'm weak. I need them to think I'm broken.


"Harry," Luke giggled, "Catch me if you can!" Luke ran into our shared room with me following closely behind him. The yacht was shaking wildly because of the storm roaring just outside. The ocean water is moving the boat in all kinds of directions, which had me slightly worried that I'd fall, while chasing Luke. He stood in front of the bed and I pushed him onto the bed leaving kisses on his neck.

"Do you always have to run? You're going to make me slip and fall." I chuckle, a big smile on my face, but in the back of my mind I feel a pinch of regret for having him here. Back in Starling City, I had a long relationship going on with Michael, and here I am having an affair with Michael's brother.

"Things are more fun that way," He smiles, but soon the room turns to the side, and Luke and I go flying off the bed. "Harry!"

"Luke! Oh gosh!" The lights turn off and we're left in darkness. The yacht is moving crazily, and I'm trying to find Luke, but it's hard considering there's so much movement going on. I feel someone grab my hand and struggle to drag me out of the room. The person is holding what appears to be a flashlight but it's a small light, with all the darkness I can't see who it is."Luke!"

"Sh son! The yacht is going down! He's not going to make it but you can! Let's go!" Without a second thought, I let my father help me. I get up and am lead to a circular raft. The rain was pouring down causing little rain drops to bounce off the water and the raft. My father pushes me in and then climbs in himself.  When on the raft, only then do I notice that there's a crew member aboard and very little food and water. The raft starts to float away from the yacht that was already halfway underwater.

"Luke! Luke!" I can't believe I just left him on the boat to die. The worst feeling I've ever felt, flows through my veins, and I suddenly feel like throwing up.

"He's gone, Harry. Everyone left on there is gone," My dad says, a look of guilt in his eyes. I understand that look because I'm sure if anyone looked at me they'd see the same thing.


I look at the view of my city from my hospital room and feel at peace. It feels good to be back home in my beautiful city. I run my hands through my now clean hair and sigh in satisfaction. After the doctors were done checking my health, I took a shower. Now all I need is a good haircut and I'll be back to looking like my old self.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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