I pull into an empty parking lot and turn my car off. I lay my head back against the seat and eventually drift off to sleep.

I wake up to my phone ringing, I grab it and without looking at the caller ID I answer,
"Simon, glad you answered, I tried calling a few times last night, guess you were busy," it was Raphael, he didn't sound happy.

"I was asleep," I respond and rub at my eyes,
"We don't need to sleep, idiota," he grunted, we're dating and he still calls me an idiot.

"Well I like to," I snap, then change the subject,
"Where are you?" I ask curiously,
"China, closing in on Camille, I just wanted to check in," he explains,

"I'm fine nothing gone wrong if that's what your wondering, Lily is doing a great job," I answer truthfully,

"Glad to hear it.....listen...Simon...stay out of trouble," then he's gone. I roll my eyes, of course I'm going to stay out of trouble. Then I turn my car on and head out to the park, may aswell go for a peaceful walk.

Which turns into a stroll through the forest, its bright and sunny, and quiet. It's not ominous it's quite nice. Makes me forget about all the other stuff, vampires, shadowhunters, demons, faeries, it's therapeutic.

It makes me feel bad at the same time, guilty that I'm out on a nice peaceful walk while Raphael is out hunting Camille because of me.

I should have went with him. I walk deeper into the forest, I feel like I should have came out the other end by now, I don't think the park forest is as deep as this.

It's also starting to get dark, maybe I should just turn round. Which as soon as I did, something grabbed at my feet, I look down to see vines wrapped tightly around my ankles and then yank them, resulting in me falling face down, as I'm pulled deeper into the forest.

I try to fight against them and reach down and try to wrench them off but they're very strong. I look back to see a large tree. Where the hell am I? It's certainly not the fair folks layer, that's off the bridge into the lake.

What is this?
Then my back is against the tree and vines wrap around my torso, they're very tight which makes it worse. My phone is clenched in my hand, I immediately dial the first number that comes up, it was Clary but she didn't answer. I try again and the vines climb higher around my body, my arms are pinned together in front where I'm trying to call someone. Clary doesn't answer again.

I try Isabelle to no avail. I try Jace and he doesn't answer. I try Lily a few times but again she doesn't and by the time I find Raphael's number at the bottom of my contacts unfortunately, the vines are wrapping themselves firmly around my throat.

"Simon? What's up? I'm kinda busy, outside Camille's house," his voice filled me with relief,

"Uh the thing is I'm sort of in a bit of a predicament," my voice coming out hoarse, there was silence,
"What kind of predicament?" He demands. The vines keep wrapping themselves around my throat, soon they're going to reach my mouth.

Even my vampire strength is no
good . These are one hell of a tough vine.

"I'm....i'm.... in the forest, in the park, something's going on I don't know what the hell it is but....I sort of need help, nobody else is answering, your my only hope right now," I rush, just as the vines had firmly wrapped around my mouth.

"What the hell is going on Simon?" He demands, I can't answer to my dismay. The vines continue making their way up.
"I'm on my way alright? Hold on," then he's gone. The vines are up to my nose now.
I sure hope Raphael can get from China to here pretty quickly.
When the vines wrap around my eyes, they begin double layering, not that they need to. The tightness ripping into my skin.

I can't see anything either. It's not until I hear footsteps, running, crunching against leaves on the floor bed.
"Simon!" It's Raphael, my heart begins to race. Thank god.
"What the hell?" He's on front of me, I can tell because of his voice.
He tried pulling at the vines but it does nothing. He growls.
"Simon, can you hear me?" He asks, I try to nod or move to tell him I can, I manage to move my hand slightly.

"I'll get you out of there okay," I don't know what he was planning to do but the vines were tightening against me. The grip is like iron.
I hear ripping sounds, my vision is clear again, I realise Raphael has managed to rip some of the vines apart. His eyes are red. My eyes show relief, then he rips more of them apart. I can speak.

"Thank god your here, I tried calling someone else I knew you were busy but nobody answered," I ramble, he rests his hand on my face,
"I'm glad though, I get to make sure your okay," then grunts as he slices through the rest and I'm free but I slump right against Raphael.

"Thank you, I don't know what the hell happened," I murmur, my head rests against his chest, his hands cradling my head.

"It's some sort of enchantment," he replies, keeping an arm around me, his eyes glaring at the heavily lined bruises on my arms,
"I love you Raphael," I blurt out, he looks at me, surprised at the outburst,

"You know, you could have called me first, I would cross the Pacific Ocean for you Simon," he responds, I look away,

"Yeah well, I cause enough trouble for you," I reply, Raphael freezes,

"Don't talk nonsense, dios, I love you and you know that, you don't cause any trouble for me, it's when your in trouble I can't stand not being there to help, I don't care whatever it is, if your in trouble call me okay? If you can't I'll find you either way," he turned to face me, his hands on my shoulders, I lean up and kiss him.

He kisses back deeply and I'm safe in his arms wrapped tightly around me, it's like I'm in an impenetrable bubble.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2021 ⏰

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