"I love you, Hiccup," she murmured, feeling as if her head was exploding with the effort of concentration. But it seemed to be working. "I should have said it so many times, my love. Please forgive me. I love you."

"Love...you..." he mumbled, a tear sliding down his cheek. She pressed the ghost of her lips against his.

"Take care, my love," she whispered as he relaxed, his breathing quieting. "And sleep well."


"Okay, bud-we're going out today," Hiccup announced as he bounced downstairs. He had been up bright and alert-unlike his usual exhausted self, because he really wasn't a morning person-and had showered, shaved and changed into decent black jeans, boots, green tee-shirt under his favourite dark red shirt and copper and red waistcoat. The mutt raised his head tiredly-and then bounded up, tongue hanging out and tail wagging eagerly. Smiling, the young man fussed his friend happily.

"What are you planning, sculptor-boy?" Astrid murmured, following him with a suspicious look. He cheerily fed Toothless and polished off two coffees, pancakes, maple syrup and bacon and then rose.

"Right, bud," he murmured. "The police aren't going to look for the person who killed Astrid-so I've got to. And though that woman was a fake, it is possible someone did see something-so I need to check myself. But I need to see Heather first-because I want to know if anyone had any reason to harm Astrid. She was Astrid's best friend and business partner so if anyone knows, she will."

Astrid stared in horror. "No, she won't!" she said urgently. "Hiccup-you have to stay away from her. Toothless-don't let him go out!" But the dog whined, knowing it was pointless to stop Hiccup when he was determined: he was fully the equal of Astrid for stubbornness.

"If you don't want to, I can always leave you behind, bud," he commented, slipping the dog the last slice of bacon. Tail wagging, the dog wolfed it down.

"Traitor," Astrid grumped as the mutt sped to the hall and came back with his collar and lead. "Just keep an eye on him, Toothless! I don't trust Heather." But oblivious, Hiccup deftly fastened on the collar and leash then pulled on his long coat and wrapped the green scarf Astrid had given him around his neck.

"Ready, bud?" he asked as he grabbed his keys and the dog wagged his tail happily. "Let's go!" Hiccup grinned and they headed out of the house.

Astrid tailed them as they walked into town. It was a long walk which she had done several times now because she had needed to get back from the cemetery and Dagur's apartment and couldn't hail a cab. Hiccup's stride was long and easy and it evoked all sorts of memories of lazy walks in the park, his hand clasped with hers, his gentle voice teasing her or just talking about nothing important at all. Toothless was ambling along happily: he loved walks and would walk all day, if he was given the chance. But as they approached the centre of Berk and the office, the sense of foreboding Astrid had was just rising and rising.

"Toothless-remember-watch over Hiccup," she said as they walked into the building and took the elevator up to the offices of HOFFERSON INVESTMENTS. Astrid hung back as the ping sounded and the doors of the elevator opened. With a shiver of memory, Hiccup walked confidently through the etched glass doors and into the main office. The girl at the desk looked up-and then she smiled, her brown eyes widening in shock.

"Mister Haddock?" she gasped. He shrugged: everyone at the firm knew him, because he had accompanied Astrid to every 'do' since they started going out and was always pleasant and sociable with everyone.

"Hiya, Bella," he said evenly. She got up and took his hand, her face sympathetic.

"How are you bearing up?" she asked gently and he swallowed, but forced a fake smile onto his face.

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