3 Draco

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Okeeeeeey so I hope you like my story and soooo okey how do I explain this... eeeee I have an ending to this, but I don't really know how to get there... but I will in the end so be patient and I will probably update the other chapters sometimes, I will tell you when and what I fixed so just relax with that!

The school year kept going and everybody lived their life, not many people were found of Draco, but he didn't really care what other people thought of him.

For a year ago he would, but so many things have happened since then. It was like 6th year was a century or two ago. His father changed, His mother disappeared, Voldemort. Just Voldemort in general

When Easter came close, he got asked to come home. Blaise was not happy about it, but what could he do? Nothing, he wasn't even supposed to know of the injuries.

So he went to the Malfoy Manor. The first day went alright, nobody was home. Well except for a couple of minor Death Eater's, so he just went to his room and stayed there for the rest of the day and night. It was late anyway, he had already eaten dinner at Hogwarts.

The next day didn't go so well, actually it went totally opposite. Lucius came home. He locked Draco in the dungeon, took his wand away, and started to beat him up with his bare fists.

Draco started to wonder why he got beaten up because he was going back to school in about a week, and he would look terrible even with the conceal charm, and Lucius Malfoy wouldn't take the risk for the ministry to figure out what he had done to Draco.

"Oh no" was all Draco could think when he realized why.

He wasn't going back.

When he woke up the next day he was in his bed again. He walked to the bathroom,
"Would master like Sandra to get master some food?" Draco jumped
"wha-who said that?
"Sandra sorry for scaring master"
"Oh it's just a house elf, I forgive you. Erm can you tell me how I got up here?"
"Oh Sandra so sorry, Sandra didn't know master wanted to stay down stairs, Sandra sorry"
"No stop hitting your head against the wall I didn't want to stay in the dungeons, thank you Sandra"
Sandra stopped with what she was doing
"Master not angry? What should Sandra call master"
"Hmmm call me Draco"
"Do master Draco want any food?"
"No call me Draco not Master Draco"
"Do Master Draco want anything?"
"No- ugh I give up" "I'd love some food"

And with a POP she was gone.

5 minutes later Sandra came back with food.

"Sandra? How come I have never seen you before?"
"Master Malfoy do not want house elf to walk around Manor, Master Malfoy only let me for today"
"I'm a Malfoy does that mean that I can free you?"
"Yes, Master Draco can free Sandra" Sandra said with a look of confusion.

Draco went to his closet and took out one of his t-shirts that was really small to him. He walked over to Sandra and gave it to her.

"Master Draco wh-" her eyes widened when she realized what had happened.
"Master Draco don't like Sandra?"
"What no I liked to hang out with you, but I think you should get out of this hel house"
"Sandra so happy Master Draco freed her! Sandra helping Master. Master just shout Sandra and Sandra coming" Sandra run to Draco and gave him a big hug.

When Draco went back to his bed he saw his wand on the pillow.

Draco didn't see Lucius all week, not that he minded.
It was totally fine for Draco.
Since the spells around the Malfoy Manor made sure that Draco couldn't escape, thrust me he tried, he got bored and started to hang out with Sandra, He used a spell to make the t-shirt fit. He gave her some pants too. Her total outfit where a pair of black pants, a green t-shirt and a pair of socks.
She got more clothes from Draco, so she could shift if she wanted to. He even started to teach her better English.

A Draco fanfiction❤️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora