Winterfell- Chapter 2

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Tina Elizabeth Stark, eldest daughter and second born, to Ned and Catherine Stark, was in the dining hall with her family at Winterfell. The Stark's were throwing a King's banquet to welcome her Father's good friend and beloved King, Robert Baratheon. Robert had arrived to Winterfell that eve with his wife the Queen, along with their three children.

The dining hall was aloof with laughing and cheering as Robert and her Father shared old war stories of their many battles fought together. Tina knew, however that something wasn't right.  Her Father seemed seriously distressed about something. She quickly concluded that it could not be anything other than Robert's arrival. To others, Ned Stark was elated about his welcomed guests, but Tina knew her father's heart. There were signs that no one who wasn't close to him would know to look for. Her Mother and her eldest brother also seemed concerned.

She wished Jon was there tonight. Tina wasn't surprised however, with royalty at the table, Ned's bastard would not be invited to attend. There were no official un-invite given to Jon, but he knew Mother all too well. For that alone, Tina's heart hurt for her absent brother. Out of all her siblings, she was closest to Jon Snow, the bastard Stark. They were so close in age, she could understand why her mother held such contempt for him, but it was not Jon's fault. He did not ask to be born. That was fault of the adults who made the conscience choices with regards to the matter at the time. She loved that her Mother had forgiven their Father, but was also sad that Catherine became so jaded about the entire event. So much so, that she placed all fault with Jon. That was wrong of their Mother, as Jon deserved Mother's love too.  For Jon loved each and everyone of them, even Mother, despite her antics towards him.

Tina wished Jon was there tonight. He was best at reading's father's signs. She knew they would spend their meal conspiring stories about King Robert's true intent. For now though, she would have to do it herself. So Tina observed everything and thought long and hard about the situation at hand. She could only come to the conclusion that The King himself did not travel all the way to the North for just a friendly visit.

No, It was something more than that. It was a meeting of the families.

Both their families had children close in age, and Tina feared it was a match making meet and greet. That could be both a welcomed occasion, or something dangerous. For Tina did not trust Cersi. The beautiful blonde sitting besides Robert, was a little quiet. She made small conversations with Catherine in an attempt to be cordial, but Tina could tell that her Mother was also guarded towards the Queen.

Cersi's mannerisms and gestures seemed pleasant enough, but ingenuine. There was something in the Queen's eyes that communicated a cold calculated void. It gave Tina a chill throughout her body, making her briskly rub her arms in an attempt to dispel the feeling. Looking towards her Eldest brother Rob, she was surprised to find that despite his worry for their Father, he seemed taken with Cersi Baratheon. That in Tina's opinion, was the best way to see the edge of a sword...either hand held or by guillotine. His judge of character was quite alarming to bear witness to, and she truly hoped he would never be in a position of power anytime soon.

That's where Jon and herself were so alike. They could see through the illusions of beauty and charm. There is no doubt that Jon would be able to see the underling tone with Cerci . Her whole demeanor was forced and screamed motive...and it was concerning.

"So Sansa, You and my son both seem very close in age, pretty little thing you are." Tina barely contained her eye roll as she watched Sansa, her younger sister suddenly perk up in her chair. Sansa could hardly keep from screaming her excitement about the Queens acknowledgement.  Catherine smiled tightly at her daughter while Father seemed to tune out Robert's tales, in order to pay attention to Cersi's interaction with his daughter. We all watched on as Sansa began fiddling with her hair, as if to further groom her perfectly placed red mane. Poor little Sansa, Tina thought, she was always compelled by fairy tales of Princes and Princesses. Wanted nothing more than to become royalty one day, and here she was her big moment. To say she was thrilled would be an understatement. She squirmed in her seat and frowned when Mother placed her hand on Sansa's as to warn her to stop fidgeting.

"Thank you your highness." Sansa managed to spit out, no doubt feeling  obligated by Cersi to respond to her compliment.  She then looked around the table and caught Prince Joffrey's eye. He winked at her and smiled a toothy grin as he casually raised his glass to take a drink. Sansa returned the Prince's smile with one of her own and then shyly looked down at her plate, as if concentrating on what food to put on her fork next.

"Your welcome, sweet Sansa...and it appears as if my son has taking a shining to you" The Queen continued. Suddenly Cersi leaned in across the table, as if to whisper something to Sansa and Sansa only.  Faintly  however, Tina could hear "Tell me pretty little Sansa, have you bled yet?"

Sansa was taken aback to say the least, as well as Mother who heard the question without any doubt. Tina herself was flabbergasted. How could the Queen be so uncouth? Mother nodded to Sansa, as if permitting her to answer Cersi's question. Sansa then nodded back at the Queen, giving her answer. The Queen smiled as she leaned back into her chair, pleased with the reply. She quickly grabbed the wine goblet and silently saluted young Sansa and took a long drink.

Tina continued to watch the Queen's antics throughout the night. She noticed several times that Cersi shared eye contact with her twin brother Jaime, as if they shared an unspoken language. The unspoken exchange, seemed intimate, and it felt wrong peering in at it. It was if those looks  could belong to lovers, not sister and brother. They were twins however, so maybe that closeness was how twins worked...intimately. As Tina looked at Jamie again, she suddenly felt eyes peering back at her. Looking for the source, she quickly realized that the Queen was scowling  directly at her. Embarrassed that she was caught spying on Royalty, she quickly excused herself from the table and retired to her quarters for the night.


(Tina Stark)

"Hey little Beth, why you leaving the party?" Theon asked while running to catch up to her. Tina looked at Theon and smiled. She always felt joy around Theon. Lately though, he seemed a little distant, and she was glad he was back to himself again.

"So whatever happened to bother you is finally over now I see?" Tina remarked sarcastically. " And stop calling me Beth, It's Tina. You know that. "

"No your middle name is Elizabeth is it not?" Theon joked, not acknowledging her earlier statement as if on purpose.

"You know it tis' Theon, stop being ridiculous!" She stated while she pushed Theon playfully to the brick wall and smiled back at his wide grin and wiggly eye brows. He was always such a fool. Tina loved that.

"So...Little Beth- Eliz-a-beth- same difference. And you look more like an Elizabeth than a Tina. We've discussed this." Theon remarked back smartly.

"I think you just like the name old past lover perhaps. You feeling nostalgic Theon." she teased.

"Hey you guys, what are you doing? Feel like having a nip in the stables?" Jon asked , interrupting them both.

"Jon! You should of been there, It was catastrophic. Cerci is ...she is ...well... I can't say exactly here, but be forewarned. She is not a nice person I fear." Tina said lowering her voice to a whisper, worried about wandering ears.

"Yeah, well we all know why I wasn't, so let's go to the stables and you can tell me all about it sister, How about that?"

Tina nodded at her brother and walked with Theon and Jon to the stables. The farther away from that "Party " the better she far as she was concerned.


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