Chapter 2

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I clutch my binders to my chest, my shoulders feeling heavy, with fear weighing them down. Maybe it wasn't such a good thing that Kai interfered, I think he just made Addison hate me more. I have a feeling that this physical abuse is going to continue. She's attacking me, mentally, emotionally and physically... And it leaves me shaking in fear. I brush shoulders with nearly every cheerleader in the hallway, their dark eyes glaring at me in a death threatening way as they nudged past me to the cafeteria.

Did Addison turn every single person in this school against me? Wow. I should have expected she would do something evil like that, why am I so surprised?

Snickers echo throughout the lunch room when I enter, making me lower my head as I rush to an empty lunch table. I let my hair fall in front of my face so they would stop staring at me, their eyes made me feel insecure and uncomfortable. I quietly pull out an apple, brushing it off on my shirt as I glance out the window, huddling up in the corner. It was pouring outside, water sliding in droplets down the window slowly, reminding me of the tears dripping off of my cheeks from earlier. I sigh, resting my chin in the palm of my hand as I watch the rain in fascination. It's funny how I can watch something for hours, entertained while others would just fall asleep or stare at it glumly. But I guess that's me- different. Strange. Awkward. Weird.

''Fool.'' A taunting voice whispered in my ear, making me flinch immediately as I glance to my right to see the populars flooding my table, their eyes gazing at me to see my reaction. I mentally scream in horror as Addison seta a hand on my stiff shoulder, making me take a long stare at it. She grips my shoulder tightly, her nails pinching my skin which made me whimper. The preps giggle in satisfaction, meanwhile I'm inwardly groaning in pain.

''I told you to watch your back.'' Addison mutters under her breath, but I still heard her as she slaps her hand on my back, making me wheeze and lean forward to catch my breath. My rapid heartbeat told me to be cautious around her- in other words: Don't fight fire with fire. And at any moment Addison could burst and spread her fire, injuring me. ''So, Dorkus, did you enjoy my gift from earlier?'' She grins brightly as I furrow my eyebrows, confused. Gift? What gift?

My mind flashed back to this morning, and I tense as I remember her tearing up something that was apart of me- my dictionary. Oh. ''Uh, yeah, I really enjoyed it.'' The sarcasm that coated my voice made her narrow her eyes at me as the jocks chuckle slightly, trying to cover it up with a cough. I could tell they were shocked though, Violet Shield never spoke a word, let alone sassed back to her predator. I was just tired, and stressed, but mostly angry. I can't believe she just grabbed my book and ruined it... Who even does that?!?! Oh yeah! An inconsiderate, bastard, troublesome, evil, attention seeking human being! I meant to say Addison, but oh well. That's her definition and it bothers me too much.

''Oh, really? Aren't you going to say thank you?'' She asks in a sickeningly sweet tone, pouting like I offended her. Angry words were on the tip of my tongue, as I try hard to not grit my teeth. I was going to squeak out a 'Thank you' but refused to when pride ripples through my body. Something as cruel as what she did deserves some kind of punishment. I shake my head, but immediately regret it when her face turns pink. She clenches her jaw, grabbing my hair and tugging on it roughly which makes me grumble in annoyance at the unbearable pain. ''What was that, bitch?'' She scowls, still gripping my hair which makes me slid backwards in my seat, almost falling off.

So, now she's calling me a bitch instead of freak or dork? It's not much better really... A cold feeling washes over my body as she lifts up a bony hand and I scramble in my seat, panicking. Was she going to hit me again? Would she tear me to pieces like she did to my dictionary earlier? If not, what was she planning? ''T-thank you.'' I whisper in shame, my breaths coming out short when she tightens her grip, shoving me forward violently.

I shudder as the cool surface of the gray cafeteria table comes in contact with my face. Scared chills climb my spine when I hear her dark voice. ''What was that?'' She asks, I could already tell she was smirking in mischief. I feel her lean forward, her dark brown eyes piercing into mine. I'm pretty sure that's what she wished to do anyway. ''Say it.'' She commands, her words coming out in a hushed volume, but you could hear the venom that seeped through them.

''T-thank you f-for the gift...'' I manage to get out, my voice shaky with a stutter. ''That's a good dog.'' Addison grins crazily, patting my head rather roughly while getting up from her seat. Was she referring me to a female dog- also known as a 'b' with an 'itch'? Urgh, I despise her and her posse so much. They all sneer in disgust as they trotted away, following after Addison like some love sick puppies. ''Cause that was totally the best 'gift' I've received.'' I mutter under my breath sarcastically as I roll my eyes. But my voice sounded weak, my body still frozen with fear from her abusive actions that left me feeling dry. I wonder how she became like that..?

''I bet it was.'' A snort comes from above making me flinch and look up frantically, worrying it was one of her suck up's that decided to stay around for kicks. But the worried feeling that filled me disappeared when I saw Kai in front of me, his leather jacket pulled close to his body, his head lowered like he didn't want anyone to see him near me, as he smiled directly at me, but everyone should know that Kai Taylor doesn't smile, it's more of a crooked smirk.

''Yeah, whatever floats your boat.'' I roll my eyes to the ceiling, almost concerned that they might fall out. He chuckles, leaning forward in his seat. ''Look, Violet. I just came to clear things up. Just because I helped you earlier doesn't mean I always will, I'm not your body guard.'' He murmurs, eyeing his surrounding probably to make sure no one was listening in. He wouldn't want anyone to know he did anything nice for the nerd. I try not to show the hurt that crossed my face by slouching in my seat, a poker face set.

''It's not like I expected you to protect me or something.'' I scoff, crossing my arms over my chest in offense. Kai obviously made a mistake when he helped me before, and just now he was trying to play it cool and act like he wasn't socializing with me- the loser. He glanced around once more before nodding his head, pushing some dark strands of hair away from his face that fell. But I wasn't swooning over his actions like any ordinary girl, I just held my eyes on him, my chest tightening as I let out some words I shouldn't have said.

''Y'know, I don't attract a lot of attention, you don't need to look around a million times to check to see if anyone's string at us. I assure you.'' I mock his words from earlier, making his head snap back over to me. ''Excuse me?'' He glares at me murderously, but instead I raise an eyebrow, shifting in my seat, ''You heard me.'' I retort stubbornly. ''Watch your mouth, Violet. You could get yourself into more trouble then you're already in.'' He smirks his signature smirk, his eyes squinting me over before he winks casually, leaving my heartbeat stuttering.

What was that?

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