"I'm...uh..." he almost had nothing to say, until Danny walked by, on his phone. "IM HANGING WITH MY BOY DANNY!" Titus said, throwing his arm around him.

"Nigga, huh?" Danny exclaimed.

"You're hanging out with Outcast?" Someone said.

"Dan's not an outcast, he cool. Y'all just don't know him like I do. We hanging out this weekend."

"Nigga, we not hanging out I'm t-"

"TAKING me to the mall. Where we will, uh...hang out..."

Titus began walking away, with Danny, making fake conversation. When they were far enough from the group, Danny stopped him and tore into his shit.

"What the hell was that shit? If you didn't want to hang out with them you should have just said no!"

"No way...I never say no to people, that's not me! I never turn people down!"

"What kind of person doesn't look after themselves first? Look at what all this phones shit got you into!"

"You're one yo tall. You've been at this school for a year and a half and those people still don't know your ducking name?"

"Look, you don't know my life..."

"You don't know mine either."

The boys stood there in dead silence, heated with one another.

"WHY CANT YOU BE MORE OPEN?" They both said. They stared at each other in awe.

Danny took a deep breath. "...look, just...just meet me after school, okay? I'll help you with math..or whatever."


The boys went their separate ways for the rest of the day, with a lot taken out of them. Both of them realize they have only scratched the surface of each other's personalities.


Danny waited long in his car for Titus to show up. But soon, he came out of the school, his curly fro hawk looking droopy.

"Dammmnnn, you tired or nah?"

"The principal gave me a whole lecture..."


The boys really didn't have much to say, considering what happened between them today in school. Danny just decided to start up the car and drive.

Halfway to his house, Danny finally asked, "What are you struggling with in math?"

"All of it," Titus said. "It's trig-"

Danny pulled over the truck and slammed on breaks.


"Maybe for you, nigga, but that shit is hard!"

"Mannn, let me see." Danny said. Titus gave him some of his Trig work and Danny took a look at it. "This first one you use Law of Sines."

"Law of what?" Titus said. "The fuck is Sine?" Danny looked at him in complete shock. He really did need a tutor.

"How did you manage a D+?" He asked.

"Guessing," Titus said laughing. Danny started up the truck once again, and continued on home.

"Dionysus." Danny said, moments later in the car.


"You told me to be more open. So I'm telling you my real name."

"What the hell??? I thought your name was Daniel."

"Fuck no, that's too common. My name is cooler."

Titus laughed at Danny. And it was genuine, not the little fake laugh he does. Titus liked the little nerdy voice Danny had. He wanted to know more about Danny than just this, though.

"Aye yo," Titus said, what happened to your face? You never said."

Danny pulled into his yard and pointed to a nearby tree. "You see, over there? It was is danger of wrecking the house if it was to fall the right way. So I had to cut it down."

"With an axe??"

"No, that takes too long. A chainsaw."

"You can use a chainsaw..." he said a little frightened.

"Yeah, well, a branch fell off and cut my face as the tree fell."

"True...that's a deep ass scar though.." Titus said, touching the scratch on Danny's face. "Does it still hurt?"

Danny started to blush. Titus was acting like he cared for s second...or was he serious.

"AHH...uhhhm..yeah, kinda.

"Well, I got something that can fix it."

Hey guys. The new chapter is here. I'm trying my best not to rush this story lol. Vote, comment. Add to libraries.

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