100 Things To Do When You're Bored

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60.   Talk backwards in an accent

61.   Play the name game with your stuffed animals

62.   Raise a water balloon family

63.   Draw a face on your hand and talk to it

64.   Play hide and seek with yourself

65.   Open and close a door for no reason

66.   Say a word over and over again until it loses its meaning

67.   Sing the alphabet backwards

68.   Have a staring contest with your wall

69.   Take pictures of random objects around your house

70.   Run up and down your stairs for five minutes

71.   Sit in front of a mirror and for two hours ask yourself deep, meaningful, random questions about life

72.    Run around your house looking for the end of the rainbow

73.   Call a random contact and see how long you can hold a conversation

74.   Build a fort and refuse to let anyone in

75.   Grab your pillow, sneak up behind someone, hit them on the back of the head yelling “Pillow Fight!” and run away as fast as you can screaming, “Victory is mine!”

76.   Have a staring contest with your pet

77.   Go outside and start singing a song at the top of your lungs

78.   Make up your own language and talk only in that language all day

79.   See how long you can hide without someone finding you (Note: if you make it to two hours, get out!)

80.   Hide something, wait a week, then try to find it

81.   Draw a house, crumple it up, and then sing “It’s a brick…HOUSE!”

82.   Write a story about being a toilet

83.   Have a debate with a wall

84.   Try to sculpt something…out of hot glue!

85.   Cook something and have your family eat it, laughing every time they take a bite

86.   Choreograph your own dance to the Dora theme song

87.   Sit in your driveway and stare at people as they walk by

88.   Spin around for as long and as fast as you can (You may get sick!)

89.   Try to take a three minute shower

90.   Turn on a random movie, mute the TV, then voiceover all the characters, saying whatever you want

91.   Put some dirt in a jar and close the lid tightly, then run around the house saying, “I have a jar of dirt!  I have a jar of dirt!  I have a jar of dirt!”

92.   Redecorate your room

93.   Stare at your ceiling and attempt to find figures (And then name them)

94.   Be a mime for a day (i.e. don’t say anything and pretend to be trapped inside a box or pulling a rope)

95.   Stare at the TV (Power off) until someone asks you what you are doing

96.   Sing Christmas carols in the summer at the top of your lungs

97.   Ask the next person you see to marry you

98.   Whenever someone asks you something, say “Meow!”

99.   See how long you can hold a note

100. Lay an egg


101. Gather five friends, have one dress up as Pac Man, the other as ghosts and go to Walmart, Pac Man chasing the ghosts

102. Tell your pet a secret

103. Hug a tree until someone asks you what you are doing and in a seductive voice say, “Want to have a treesome with me?”

104. Buy four pigs and paint 1, 2, 3, and 5 on the sides of the pigs.  Let them loose in a mall and watch security try to find pig number 4

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