Normal day...

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I was sitting on my tree braiding my hair that was tangled on multiple of the branches.
"What unruly hair..." I mumbled getting rid of the knots I found.
"Eh...haha...I guess I'm hungry aren't I becki?" I asked,my pet blue jay.

I got up and started walking around searching for some berries or something else,I soon found a cherry tree near a river,and some berries nearby.i started picking them,putting them in a basket I made of leaves and grass.

"Maybe this is enough...what do you think jay?"
"*giggle* alright maybe a little bit more"

I knelt down on the floor Staring at the water,I saw my hair spread on the floor near me,seeing all the dirt and twigs stuck on it, I decided to shower. I stripped from my clothing and put my foot in the water before fully submerging into the water only leaving my nose above water,my hair spread all over the water almost covering it. After about an hour of showering I decided to go to sleep before I went out to buy some clothes.

I soon left and went back to my tree climbing up it before laying down in a hole a few wood Peckers made for me,laying down on a bed of grass and leaves,and rolling myself up in my hair like a burrito (did burritos exist?) ,cuddling with the other animals that entered the whole.

"Goodnight..." I mumbled sleepily


"Yes darling?"

"Why is my hair so long, and such an unordinary color?"

She looked at me with a warm smiles before responding.

"Because you are special dear."

She though for a minute before she started talking again "do you remember the story of the Four dragons?" To witch I responded with a nod her eyes had a glint of awe

"well there where five dragons, but the faith one was Forgotten a beautiful black dragon,almost a navy blue,that dragon had the speed of light,and never made any noise making it hard to notice him. " she said with sparkles in her eyes

"Why do you speak so fondly about a mere mythical dragon?"

She chuckled ruffling my hair before continuing.

"He was strong and didn't hesitate,he was amazing...but then something happened, he disappeared never hear of again. After that everyone forgot about him, he turned green from the jealously of his four brothers having all the attention, his jealousy was like poison , the plants around him fed on that never ending jealousy he had, and when the flowers where strong enough they ate him, leaving his remains to decompose into the ground. Thousands of years later a rose bloomed where the dragon had died, when the full moon was on tip of the rose it opened..revealing a small little girl inside,sleeping peacefully, when she woke up she walked far and wide before taking a break and using the plants around her to maker her taller...a normal child's size like Yours, she fell In love with a man years later and soon gave birth to a boy..he had green hair like the black dragon's when he grew jealous and eyes the same color, when the boy grew older the parents realized he was a new birth of the black dragon, when his parents locked him inside the house, he watched as the other children played and soon grew jealous of them,making his hair grow and grow and grow...till it covered the whole floor,when he cut it, it only made matters worst when he woke up his hair grew back 5x longer than before and was now covering the whole room, as years past by each child of the black dragon had the same problem with the same hair and easily got jealous...this generation has a new dragon, but instead of a was a girl

She looked at me and smiled slightly when she saw me listening closely and carefully.

"that child is you ivy..."


I had awoken from my sleep rubbing my eyes, untangling myself from my hair and getting up.
"I'll skip breakfast...I need to practice making plants grow...again...." I sweat dropped

I walked away from my tree and came into the grounds where I usually practice to make my plants grow.
I planted a few rose seeds on the ground and lifted my right hand up and focused all my attention to the flower seeds, soon I saw a small vine slowly grow from the ground, making its way to me flowers started to grow the more it tried to reach me, when it did it wrapped around my middle finger and started wrapping around my hand, till it reached my elbow.
"???" I started at the vine in confusion I have never seen a plant to that before.
"I's never done that before...."
Soon I left and went to make dinner, which was a few berries, leaves and nuts.

Yona of the dawn (reader x ??)Where stories live. Discover now