Welcome To Another Universe

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Inhale... Exhale. Repeat. 

The simple thing need for me to survive anymore, to breathe. I sigh and click the camera on. The small red light flickers on steadily. I remain silent for a moment begore beginning to tell my story. 

This needs to be told.  Before things get worse...

"You know how people say they go into their own little world? Well, have you ever wondered if there is another unkverse with mitants? Well.... there is. And I am one of the results. A drunk off her ass (most of the time) crazy as hell mutant." I explain.

"I guess you want to know a little more about me... My mom, that bitchy heigness herself. Emma Frost. She didn't care about me and kicked me out. For five years in the other universe, MY universe, I lived on the streets. Until my dad stepped in and took me in. I learned his ways, but I couldn't bring myself to call him "Dad" or "Father". I mean, he's a villain. Weird right. I should get too far ahead my self." I whisper as I adjust the camera.

The lights flicker around me as screams of what I consider the innocent ensue. 

"What the..." I begin.

Some one raps against the door, harder than one should. 

"SELENE RAY HOWLETT OPEN THIS DAMNED DOOR!" A dark, raspy voice hollers. Another thud is heard against the door.

"Shit...." I mutter.

The lights flicker out. I listen closely as the banging stops. It's silent for a few moments, but then a load, distinctive crack can be heard throughout the darkened facility. 

"I've got to go, I'll send more news when I can," I whisper into the camera as I recognize the cracking sound. The cracking, of a human bone.

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