Chapter 2

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Tuesday was the day everybody rushed. We had early dismissal from school. At 2:00. Lunch was the worst, it was a rush to get a seat, even get food. I usually sat with Kaitlyn, Maddie, Christie, Izzy, and Lacey Ranette.

Lacey Ranette- nice, skinny, brown eyes, darker skin (Mexican), brown hair, 16, 5'4, plays volleyball, smart, and dating Jorge Gordon.

"Ugh, it's Lauren," Maddie remarked.

"Man, I can't believe I was, like, best friends with her in 6th grade," Lacey said, starting to cry. In sixth grade, Lacey had a huge crush on Justin Alibi, Alana's current boyfriend. Then Lauren started to get jealous of McKayla, Justin's girlfriend in 6th grade. Lauren was McKayla's best friend in sixth grade, behind Lacey's back. Justin showed up to McKayla's volleyball games in middle school. They would have a fun time every game. In the first playoff game, Lauren made sure they weren't together anymore. While the team was practicing before the game, Lauren shouted, "YOU ARE CHEATING ON McKAYLA?!" Justin was upset because he wasn't. But he's stupid so he didn't know what to do. Lauren was so happy the next day at school. Lacey totally kicked Lauren's ass at recess and lectured her about how she's telling her mom, principal, and teacher. "God damn it, Lacey. He doesn't even want you." Lacey responded with a "How do you know?"

"Um, I'm not doing the work here. I made him single, now he's mine," Lauren said with a smirk on her face. "But you knew I liked him first!" Lacey burst out crying. "We aren't in kindergarten anymore, get over it, Lacey." "No!" Lacey was as mad as hell. "Now Lacey, I'm not going to say anymore, Mexican lawn mower."

"She was such a, a, a bitch!" Lacey had never spoken to her since 8th grade, when Lauren was sent to the principal's office for hitting her.

"Loud much, Lacey," Izzy said.

"Yeah, calm down," Christie whispered.

"Guys, people are starting to come towards us," Kaitlyn said, with a nervous tone in her voice.

"Hi, Lauren. We were just saying how pretty you look today."

"Maddie, you look pretty too. So shut the hell up."

I sat there in silence. I had so many emotions running through my body. I pulled the fire alarm.


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