Prologue: Caught

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There was the sound of footsteps through the silence. Desperate, chasing after something. Inaudible yelling, wailing, was heard as the shuffling of people dashed through the maze of old houses, in the silent village.

They were following footsteps, just lightly leaving faint prints on the moist ground, heading in a single direction. There were smaller footprints beside them, in which had disappeared after some time, in which for some reason the larger footprints had started sinking in further into the ground at that point.

A small figure breezed through the houses, desperate to find a way out of the situation. In dismay, when they looked back, the faces of the people chasing them only gradually dawned closer and their voices rung ever so much more in their ears.

The figure glanced at the young child on their back and sighed. With the last of their energy, they propped themselves over a window sill and hid in the seemingly unoccupied house. They left the child there, with assuring words and a peck to the forehead, they said their farewells as the figure propped themselves on the window sill and with the last of their efforts ran.

They were caught. Hands grabbing, clutching at every bit of their body. As the pain overcame them, they let their eyes close for a while.

Just for a while.

Stray Footprints  *A Gakuen Alice Story*Where stories live. Discover now