the meet

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A/n hi guys ! Thanks for tuning in!. It means so much to me that you came and hopefully you like the story! I am a HUGE fan of mlp fim and mlp eg .please feel free to recomend me things cuz that would be helpful! I do shoutouts  also . Thanks and i love ya!
Third person pov

It was a pretty day . the birds were chirping, the sun was out,and everyone was ready for the big valentines dance right around the corner......
Except apple jack. She always hated social events like this for two reasons.
1. She never liked the attention.
2. She hated rarity making her look all frou frou and girly.

The only thing she liked about the dance  was hanging out with her friends and she really liked dancing... she just didn't
Show it much.
CHS was expecting a transfer student that day and pinkie pie insisted on throwing a party....
The girls didn't stop her they were in english class when the announcement came on.
"Apple jack, please report to the main office' it was  vice principle luna and she wanted apple jack for some reason.

The girls, rarity twilight and flutter shy all stared at the cowgirl, who was also was surprised her self . " trust me , I'm jus as surprised as y'all are."
She said in her country accent.

She made her way to the office.
"Apple jack. Thank you for joining us." Said principle celestia. " as you may remember it is your turn to show around our new student, rainbow blitz"

Shoot. Apple jack forgot all about it. " actually ma'am, I kinda forgot..." the principle couldn't help but chuckle .
" rainbow blitz will arrive shortly after third period so we will call you then" luna chirped in. "You are now able to return
To class "
In class

"Darling thank goodness!" Said rarity " we starting to worry"
" aww shucks. Ah ain't in no  trouble at all y'all . Turns out i just need to give tha new guy a tour is all"
"Oh yah a new guy" said twilight ," he is transferring to CHS  today right?
"After 3 period to be exact " said apple jack. Rarity couldn't help but giggle. " i bet he is dreamy!"
She said
"I hope he likes animals.." whispers fluttershy "
" settle down y'all" reassured the cow girl. "Ahm  sure whoever this guy is, we will all be friends by the  end of the day" she said with a smile
"Mmhmm!" They all said back

Third  period ends
Third period just ended and apple jack started to make her way to the ladies room. When she got out she  heard her name being called again she couldn't help but be excited to meet the new guy.
"Apple jack, this is rainbow blitz, the transfer student." Said the principle
"Howdy! Said apple  jack to   the new guy
The  boy stood up and  apple jack couldn't help but wonder... " rainbow dash?"

 " rainbow dash?"

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No. That wasn't her best friend.
( if you were wondering rd was at a sports camp far away 😉)

"Sup" he said
Apple jack felt herself blush. It was weird because she rarely blushed

 It was weird because she rarely blushed

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"Uhhh... helloo?" Blitz said
"Gah! Uh ahm apple jack!  Said the cowgirl, reaching out her hand
"Blitz, rainbow  blitz " he said shaking aj's hand.
" you seem cool, aj "
" well can't say ah aint " she said with a chuckle.
"Shall we begin?"

Sorry it was short .. my lap tap is gonna die!   I will update soon and thanks for reading! What did ya think?
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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