Despite that, I took a minute to really take what he said into consideration.

"Fine," I said, sighing in defeat. Ladies and gentlemen, Brody has done, he has broken me. Honestly, I never thought I would be agreeing to something like this, but Brody really did have a way with his words. Though, this doesn’t mean I am completely onboard with the idea. Sure, it would be nice to let it out to someone besides Brody, but Cory is the last person I would want it to be.

Like, what if this is just a one-sided thing? I don't think a friendship between us would be the same, no matter how hard we tried. Still, I really wanted to know how he would react to such news. One of his closest friends being madly in love with him since the first time they kiss over a dumb game of spin the battle. How cliché is that?

"Really?" Brody cheered out, looking happier at my answer. "I honestly thought that would be harder. You are such a sucker for falling for that, I thought I was going to have to retort to violence."

"Well, I'm glad it didn't come to that," I mused, amused by Brody's sudden excitement to the news. Despite how happy I was to finally get this off my chest, I am still scared. Right now, my main thought is how Cory will react. This could only go two ways, he could react in a positive way or he could react in a totally negative way. I am mainly scared about the negative react over the positive one. Then, I really realized that I was completely ready to tell him, not today that is.

"I'll tell him before we leave for Barkley," I finalized and to that Brody's excitement deflating.  

"Why don't you just tell him today? You're just delaying it now," he said.

"Because I'm not fully ready. I need to not only mentally prepare for this, but emotionally," I explained and his facial expression retorted to one of full understanding as he nodded his head.

"All right, I'll give you that, but we're leaving in a week, so I want to hear about everything that happens," he said sternly causing me to laugh again.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Hey, have you thought about talking to Vincent too? And telling him all of this?" Brody asked, bringing the subject I have been avoiding for quite some time now. It's not that I'm afraid to tell him that I'm seemingly gay per se, I'm just worried about him getting mad at me for keeping this from him for the longest time. I know that delaying it further is only making things much worse, but it is easier avoiding the whole subject completely, though I know it's going to come up eventually.

We are best friends, brothers even, and keeping this from him is taking a major toll on our friendship. Before last year we've told each other almost everything. I'm not joking when I say we told each other everything, sometimes it even got quite disturbing, but it kept us close. Knowing everything about each other just made things easier to sustain our friendship in high school. Now though, we were sometimes distant, but I know when I tell him this it will bring us that much closer together, even if he does get a little angry with me in the beginning.

Like for example, never would I have thought I would be spending an afternoon with Brody, but the fact he knew so much about me made our friendship that much better.

"I have actually. I'm going to talk to him tomorrow now, but I just don't want him getting all grouchy about keeping this little piece of information from him," I told him honestly.

"Oh, don't even worry about that, I know of ways to make him happy again," Brody said suggestively.

"Oh god no," I groaned out, whipping Brody with the unfolded shirt in my hand but not hard enough to hurt him. "It used to be cute like a year ago but a full summer of that just gets annoying."

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