Chapter 21 part one

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(End Flashback)

“Angel,” Ashley pulled me up to her as I cried more, I held her tightly. No one wants me, no one ever wants me.
“Look at me Angel,” I looked up seeing a scowl on her face as she looked at Thomas who nodded.
“Blake loves you and I can’t stand him sometimes, but he loves you, he’s been by your side for the last three days non-stop,” I zoned her out and continued to cry. Blake doesn’t want me. No one wants me.
“I don’t want to see him, I don’t want to be hurt, please don’t make me see him….Thomas,” I called out wanting him too, he sat down next to me and pulled me onto his lap, I curled up to him.
“I’m sorry Thomas, I hurt you and I remember hurting you, its my fault,” I sniffled he sighed and ran his hand through my hair.
“And I got you back just like I promised so I wasn’t hurt,” I nodded he did get me back and I ran until I found my way even though he was so far behind me.
“And you got strong and super fast, while I became weaker and useless,” I cried he sighed once more and pulled me away from him frowning.
“I hate when you say that,” he half yelled at me, I flinched away and cried harder. I always cause so much trouble
“I’m sorry,” Ashley took me away glaring at Thomas who was scratching the back of his head.
“Its fine, why don’t you just rest we’ll talk when you have your mind right,” I nodded moving under the sheets and trying to calm down, I reached out and grabbed my bear pulling him close to me as I tried to forget everything that has happened. I just want to be happy again.

(Blake POV)
“Blake,” I looked up at Ashley as she tossed me a cover. I thanked her letting her take a seat next to me. I was still outside of Angels door. She’s currently sleeping, but she cried herself to sleep.
“You know the best thing to do is to just go in there, rest with her and when she wakes up talk to her,” I opened my mouth and protested, “if my mate needs some space and time I will give it to her, I’ll be patient until she wants to see me, I don’t want to push myself on her,” As much as this is killing me, I want to do right by Angel.
“Are you serious?” Ashley laughed and shook her head “If you go by that logic she’ll never come around. Blake, Angel is a stubborn girl, she may not seem like it sometimes, but if you leave this up to her, she’ll never want to come to you or face her fears as her best friend its my job to correct this, so get your ass in there and fix her or whatever. Her parents aren’t going to be home until tomorrow afternoon, so there’s no excuse as to why you can’t be in there with her tonight,” I stared at her trying to figure it all out, she groaned and pointed to the door.
“Go you idiot before I change my mind,” She grumbled pushing me out the chair, I growled at her, but moved towards Angels door. I carefully opened it up seeing the rogue sitting by the window.
“Get out,” I commanded he shrugged and left out with that book he was reading. I shut the door behind him before removing my clothes leaving me in my boxers before I snuck into bed with her. She moved to me almost immediately and relaxed. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her knowing she wouldn’t wake up, but of course I’m completely wrong as usual.
“Blake,” she whimpered squirming back and away. I sighed in disappointment and the feeling of my heart squeezing as she stared at me with tears forming in her eyes.
“Why?” she asked I wiped her cheek gently not wanting to hurt her bruise. She flinched back while looking at the door and calling for Thomas, Ashley and Jonah frantically. I covered her mouth.
“I need to tell you something,” I started off, but a heavy sob wracked through her body as she curled in a ball.
“No, No, No, please don’t reject me Blake, I know I’m worthless and I know my body isn’t the best, but I’ll try as hard as I can to get stronger, I won’t be weak anymore and I’ll listen. I know you don’t like me, but we can try and I’ll be good, but don’t reject me. I don’t want to be alone anymore, I don’t want to be scared,” She cried getting out the bed and picking up a little weight on the floor.
“See, I can do it and I’ll try, I’ll try hard, I promise,” she cried cringing as she moved; I quickly went over to her as my wolf whined to be let out. I took the weight from her and tossed it on the ground before cradling her in my arms
“God Angel, I’m not rejecting you, I’ll never reject you,” I gently sat us on the bed, putting her on my lap, I lifted her chin up and kissed her nose.
“I don’t care if you aren’t physically strong, I don’t care if you don’t have your wolf. I don’t care how many mistakes you make, you’re perfect to me. I don’t care about any of that. I just want you,” I growled frowning at her as she sniffled.
“But no one will accept me as the Luna and no one wants me, they were right, I’m really useless and” I covered her mouth not wanting to hear anything else she had to say.
“I don’t care about anyone except for you Angel, if they can’t or won’t accept you then that’s fine, we’ll move to another place anywhere, we can start over. I don’t care as long as I have you. Angel I love you and nothing can or will change that.,” She sniffled and stared at me as if she didn’t believe me.
“Really,” she half cried I nodded and kissed her lips softly.
“Yes really and I’m sorry, I know I got mad at you, but I should have spoken to you instead of sending you home, so next time we have any misunderstandings we’ll talk about it and if you need to something you just tell me first, you don’t have to sneak around just ask me and I promise you, you won’t get in trouble,” I explained I want to make it clear to her that I’ll be here with her no matter what and I also want her to know that she doesn’t have to lie to me.
“I’m sorry too, I always mess up and I try hard not to, but sometimes it just happens and they always told me I wasn’t worth a thing to them,” I kissed her forehead, I still want to know about her.
“Who are they?” I asked feeling her heart race as she shrugged and glanced up at me with tears streaming down her face.
“I don’t know, no one knows, but it hurts remembering and everything just keeps coming back, I don’t want it to come back, but it won’t stop,” she whimpered while shaking in my arms I held her as close as I could, trying to get her to calm down as soft sobs wracked through her small frame.
“I just want to forget and I want to be normal, I want friends, I want you and I want to be happy,” she cried into my neck, I shushed her and rubbed her back carefully.
“I’ll make you happy, I’ll help you,” I claimed wanting her to stop crying, I can feel her broken heart through our bond along with the fear and the churning in her stomach. She’s afraid, no she’s terrified. Of what? I don’t know, but I will find out first thing tomorrow morning.

Next day*l

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